An unknown species of isopod has been discovered off the coast of Vietnam. These giant arthropods can weigh more than 1 kilogram and have a body length of more than 30 centimeters. The creature was named Batinomus Vaderi because the distinctive shape of its armor resembled Darth Vader’s helmet from Star Wars.
Scientists have discovered a type of isopod off the coast of Vietnam, near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The giant arthropod can reach lengths of 32.5 centimeters and weigh more than 1 kilogram, CNN reports.
The creature was named Batinomus Vaderi because its armor resembles Darth Vader’s helmet from Star Wars.
Vietnam. Scientists have discovered a new species. “A mysterious underwater world”
Scientists at Hanoi University obtained the specimen in 2022. After a long and painstaking study, the Natural History Museum of Singapore has confirmed that it is a new species.
“The fact that such large animals have had no names for so long is a reminder that much of the underwater world remains shrouded in mystery,” the portal says.
A detailed description of the Bathynomus vaderi species is published in the magazine “Zookeys”.
Zookies Bathynomus vaderi Representative of the species
Vietnam. A new species of isopod has been discovered. named after Darth Vader
Animals of the genus Bathynomus live deep underwater. They feed on carrion that has sunk to the bottom. Bathynomus vaderi has an elongated flat body with seven pairs of legs.
The creature is covered in thick armor and has a bony crest consisting of 11 curved spines.
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Animals of this genus are some of the largest representatives of the order Arthropoda. It is especially prized as a dish in Vietnam. Some people find it tastier than lobster.
Isopods are an order of arthropods that includes approximately 10,000 species that live in a variety of environments. Body length can range from a few millimeters to almost 50 centimeters.
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