Weather for tomorrow, Sunday, 26.01. It will only be useful in some stages in some places. Did it get the night with a strong wind in the mountains with which he was flee for them within 80 kmometrist? The minimum temperature is warmed by 1 to 5 degrees.
At night, cloudy is growing from the southwest to the south and west in the north and the West. It rains in the morning. Minimum temperature will be at least 5 degrees in the south to 5 degrees in the Western Pols. The most stable, southern wind blows that only in the mountains and usts reach 60-80 kilometers per hour.
Weather in
Weather for tomorrow – Sunday, 26.01
Sunday brings a Aura clouda with precipitation from 2 to 10 liters per square meter. In other regions of the country, it will be very happy and without upload. Thermometers show maximum 5 degrees in the north of the country to 8 degrees, 8 degrees in central regions up to 10 degrees in central Poland regions. Southern wind will be stable only in the mountains, there is a lot of weave up to 80 km / h. Haliy will be located locally and expansion arrives in 90 km / h.
Weather for Niedziellę
Biomett conditions
The type of air will be from 60 to 90 percent. We will be warmed in the southwest regions, the rest of Polish, we will feel Termice comfort. Biometho conditions are neutral in the north, in the rest of the country, the rest of the country will have a positive effect on our well-being.
Biomette conditions in the bid
Weather for Night – Warsaw
The Warsaw’s Night will bring a lot of clouds in Warsaw without heavy rains. In thermometers we see 5 degrees that c. Pressure will shoot and north will be 1000 HPA.
Weather for Tomorrow – Warsaw
On Sunday it will be cloudy with the keyboard. No rain. Therometers are displayed in Warsaw to 8 degrees C. Matient shames blink from Southern directions. Pressure in lunch 994 hpa and changes.
Weather for the night – tri
Giyysk residents, Gdyia and Sopton will face at least 3 degrees with minimum day. Pressure will be 1010 HPA in the middle of the night and is expected.
Weather for tomorrow – Tri -City
Sunday will bring Aura Aura with weak rainy rains, temporary increasing precipitations. The thermometers are at GDASK, GDYIA and SOPOT indicates the maximum 6 degree that blows the Southern wind. The pressure will be at least 1005 HPA in the afternoon, it changes.
Weather for the night – pbznań
The sky is covered with the clouds and thermostets are displayed at least 4 degrees that can be moderate from Southern directions. Pressure has been down and north will be 1010 HPA.
Weather for tomorrow – poznań
On Sunday, on Sunday, the Poznayr is the Aura Aura aura with the keyboard. Maybe the weak rains, fortune to the periods. In thermosters we see 8 degrees C. winds will be moderate and south. Pressure will be 995 hpa in lunch and changes.
Weather for the night – the opponent
The big limit is not foreted, without rainfall. The thermometers have at least 5 degrees C. wind. Pressure in the middle of the night reaches 996 Hses and fell.
Weather for tomorrow – Wrockaw
The last day of the week will be in the wrapping wrapping with spread. Times are possible, poor snowfall. In the thermometers we see 10 degrees C. moderate shames from Southern directions. The pressure is getting rid of and in the south it will be 992 HPA.
Weather in the night – Krakov
The Krakov is cheerful next night without precipitation. Therometers show 1 degree, C. Windsor will be weak and flexible. Pressure will be 988 hpa in midnight and falls.
Weather for tomorrow – Krakov
Sunday will be very happy with Krakow. No rain. The thermometers are at least 10 degrees in the capital of Polish capitals, which throw a weak and moderate wind from changing directions. The pressure will be 982 HPA in the afternoon and is expected to change.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket