The air for today. Tuesday 28.01 will be usually cloudy, the local gap. In places we have a happy and hot day to have a favorable biomet. In the south of Lolson we should watch for a hard wind.
Tuesday will bring Alura to southeast of the country. In other areas, the big fertility in the perspective and in the Western package, it can fall 3-6 liters of rain per square meter. Early morning, the rain will be spray in northeast of Poland. On the thermometers in the northern regions of 7 degrees, in the northern regions, is up to 13 degrees in the Podkarpacie is 13 degrees. The wind will be stable from the south, in the mountains, melt rapidly up to 50-70 kilometers per hour.
Weather in
Biomrological terms
During the day, the existing air temperature consists of 70 percent in Southeast Southeast of 95 percent in the western part of the country. We feel the heat in Poland in the southeast, in other areas, we will feel Termice comfort. Biomet will be inappropriate in the north and western part of the country, in the center and in the east and will be favorable even in the south-East.
Bioomette conditions in WTORKTVNEO.PL
Weather for Today – Warsaw
It’s the cloudy will be with light and abolish. No rain. The thermometers have a maximum of 11 degrees, a model of modestly from the southern south. The pressure reaches 990 hpa in noon and grows.
Weather for today – tri
Tuesday at GDASK, GDYIA and SOPOT brings a lot at the end of the day with cleanliness and rainy rains. The thermometers will have a maximum of 7 degrees that will be moderate, southeast and southeast winds. Pressure is growing and 1000 hpa will be.
Weather for Today – Poznań
Today, the sky will be covered by old age with clouds. Will be clean and low in the semi-midnight. The thermometers are at Poznań at the maximum 8 degrees C. The weak, changing spring is scattered. The pressure in the lunch 988 hpa will grow and increase.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
During the day, a sooo cloudy is predicted with poor languages and rainy. Relaxers will be up to 8 degrees to 8 degrees to 8 degrees to 8 degrees. Pressure will increase in the afternoon 984 HPA will be.
Weather for Today – Krakov
On Tuesday, Aura in Krakov is a joyous and without rain rain. The thermometers will show up to 13 degrees C. Poor and stable from Southeast Articles. The pressure in lunch 974 Haa will increase and increase.
Road conditions in
Main photos: Adobestock