At the end of the January, specific platforms, for example, яblph, or yitc or Sangr, are required to send the tax authorities about username. It is how much it is and how much money we sell, it will depend on that the tax office will benefit our operations. Those who don’t get rid of private things should not worry – writes “Rzeczespolitita” in the edition of Wednesday.
DAC7 manual gives the responsibility of information about the Internet. According to Rz “reminds us that at the end of January, they should offer the tax sellers (it in 2023 and 2024). And also in 2023 and 2024). And also the use of their circulation is over two thousand . euro.
“Experts show that it is easy to report at all.
– If we sell personal things, such as used sports equipment, we can sleep with peace. Санҷиши имконпазир бояд дар пешниҳоди тавзеҳот ба итмом расад – гуфт JuerhoWSKA, MarkeSowska, Markoverska, мушовири андоз дар шарикони Vialtion аз ҷониби “RZ”.
Therefore, he asks the tax authorities can take the skin? – Those who manage the business in black. They are primarily threatening the duties, but, and Gul and Grigne, which warns that the tax counselor, owner.
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