-It was clear that I would give an order (also called the Federal Cross of Achievements -Ed.) AFD (German Very Correct Wing Annex -ed.) -Weinberg to the magazine “Stern” portal.
-I don’t understand how that happens. in the end. It will soon be like my childhood -he emphasized.
Wineberg confessed that if he was detained, it would be a big burden for him. “I was shocked,” said the 99 -year -old survivor in the Holocaust.
Germany. After being saved by the Holocaust, I was furious after voting with Bundesestag
Photographer Luigi Tuscano also wants to return his award. He is in Poland, as Stern said on Thursday. So on Wednesday, with a surviving person from the Holocaust in Auschwitz, “We went to a child’s camp that was imprisoned as a child.” When they arrived, he read the news about the decision of Banda Tag.
He wrote to Facebook that he is considering returning the decoration. “Albrocht Weinberg contacted me and we decided together immediately. Yes, we will give it,” said Toscano.
-I was proud to exhibit exhibitions in various places around the world and defend the democratic value of the German Federal Republic (…). It was my country, so it was an honor for me -he said.
What happened on Wednesday was that it exceeded everything at once. -This is not my attitude, these are not my ideal. They were betrayed yesterday, especially by Friedrich Melz -photographers emphasized and justified their orders.
According to the DPA engine, Tuscano emphasized, along with the wine burger, he would quickly return to Frankwalter Steinmeyer in Germany. “The president will accept us or we will throw it into his mailbox,” he said.
Germany. Wine Burg and Tuscano -they saved from the camp
Albrecht Wine Burg, born in Lowwarzaxen in 1925, is one of the last Holocaust witnesses living in Germany. He was taken to Auschwitz in 1943, survived an extinct camp and some of them.
After World War II, he lived in New York before returning to Germany in 2012. He says he is a filthy of Nazism to school students. In 2017, he received the federal cross on his job for reconciliation.
Next, Luigi Tuscano is from Manheim. His work enjoys international awareness. Summok’s photographer depicted hundreds of survivors of the Holocaust as part of the Gegen Das Vergessen project.
In 2021, Germany’s President Frank Walter Stein Myer reminded me of the Funao, praising the son of the German Gaster Bitter, with the achievement of the German Federal Republic.
Voting in the Federal Congress. “Normalize enemies”
Next, she survived from the Holocaust Evaum Lauf and appealed to the Prime Minister’s candidate on the CDU/CSU Melz on Thursday, so he decided not to accept the law with AFD on Friday. 。 “Don’t do this, Mr. Melz” -I read a letter published from the newspaper “SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG”.
Umlauf is taken to Auschwitz at the age of two, and if her trains arrive just three days ago, she will not live today. She appealed to Melz: “Don’t underestimate the correct wings. Please come back from the road you chose on Wednesday.”
“Some people say that it is a joint voting, but this is not cooperation, but this week it will be in history,” Umlauf emphasized. “Because this is the way to start, it normalizes democracy enemies.”
German immigration policy worsening. Solution project
Melz’s resolution, which assumes the deterioration of German immigration policy, passed on Wednesday due to a small number of votes thanks to the support of AFD agents. This is the first case that the Group has influenced Congress’s decision in the history of Germany, which was considered by services.
On Friday, the parliament will vote for the adopted CDU/CSU Contract Country. This complements the adopted resolution. The goal is to limit the possibility of arrival in Germany to members of immigrants who have the status of protected people without permanent residence.
It has also been proposed to expand the federal police to immigrants. Unlike resolutions without legal effects, this law introduces a specific solution. AFD has already announced that this project will also support.
Does ZIOBRO appear before the committee? “Event guest” Wójcik: He is in Brussels/Porsat News/Porsat News