In Croatia, a weekly week of supermarket and three product groups began on Thursday. The Deputy Prime Minister of PlenkeI have announced this day, which is covered with the requirements of the price decline.
One puppy covered the two chains of the supermarket and the pharmacy network. The campaign initiatives are also invited to social media, which will refrain from purchasing carbonic drinks, heavy water and liquid. The reason for the action is emphasized – the increase in the increase in prices in the supported stores, including these groups of goods.
To apply for the protection of employees
As a campaign component to the employees of all supermarkets, a maximum reduction was complained at work. In addition to the boycapes of supermarkets and selected products, the initiators that consumers urge the consumers to refrain from any procurement.
The campaign was supported by distribution, trade unions and opposition political parties. His government did not resist.
On the last Friday, Boycote Boxing was conducted as an protest of rising prices in Croatia. The administrative tax data show that the number of billed bills in retail trade was 44 percent. From Friday before Friday, less and consumers spent 53 percent in stores less money.
Read as well as the shops are empty. “We are wandering high prices”
Government represents the price limit
On Thursday, after meeting with the representatives of the Prime Minister and Primeanders of Prime Minister Plenković published updates from 30 products that are limited. New list includes 70 goods, including: bread, barley, pasta, pasta, pasta and fish.
The Minister of Economy Ante Szusznjar explained that each seller must choose at least one product from the group to be restricted. That is, the minister continued – it all spaghetti, for example, at least one can be sold at the end price.
Szusznjar noted that consumers will be mandatory for limited prices and this product must be clearly and distinguish. Placement with an area over 400 kV should have special books with products at low prices.
One of the chainers of farming stores on Thursday declined to decline in the price of 250 maternity products that are not covered by government decision.
Croatia is one of EU countries that is the highest inflation rate. In December, prices increased by 4.5%. – Results from the data of the EDstat.
Source of major photos: Patrick Selap /