There are also more influenza inclusion (4 times) than last January. The A -type influenza is dominated -mainly H1N1 subtypes.
Ernestokchar, head of the pediatric clinic in the Professor Warsaw Medical University, has announced that he is an expert in the National Influenza Return Program Science Council. The patient in this ward is an influenza child.
-This is a patient with severe influenza -pneumonia or neuromalism because influenza could damage the central nervous system.
Wave of influenza. The number of hospital patients is increasing
Experts emphasized that the occurrence rate of influenza was different and emphasized that it was a larger infection in the past summer than this year. -However, the situation is changing in terms of aging in our society, so now more people are more susceptible to illness and have more serious illness -Professor. Ta. Kucha.
Cities contribute to work with large -scale human clusters.
-The influenza moves with liquid drops, so the city is exposed many times in various situations and contacts the virus. Public transportation, schools and offices have many people in contacts.
ESKPERCI: You can get better
In the professor’s opinion. Kuchara ignored the preparation for the infection season. -Why did you have to wear a mask at a medical facility? Especially, you can do so during this period, let’s start a holiday early so that children will not be a school cluster -Wam experts have said.
On Thursday, Deputy Minister of WojCIECH KONIECZNY asked if it was in the RFM FM whether it was in the flu waves. The ministry plans to recommend wearing a mask on public transportation. -No, experts are not recommended at this time. After all, it is not the size of this phenomenon to consider this type of restriction. I answered the Deputy Secretary of MZ.
Vaccinates protection keys, but Paul is reluctant
Doctors emphasize that vaccination is the most effective way to protect influenza. After the age of 6 to 18, a free vaccine can be used for children for 65 -year -olds, pregnant and fish women.
All adults, 50 % 18 and 64, can purchase refunds.
-Stiflers for influenza increase immunity, but protection is not 100 %. Whether we are sick, and how the illness occurs depends on many factors. Vaccination relieves the course, reduces the risk of developing influenza complications, and even protects some of them. Ernest!
The level of vaccination in the risk group recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) must be 75 %.
But in Poland, you can ignore this form of prevention. A few seasons, the number of influenza vaccinations returned to the level before the pandemic. Last season, only 5.5 % of the winter vaccinations were held in autumn. pole.
Influenza can lead to dangerous complications
People over 65 years old, children up to 5 years old, pregnant women, chronic diseases, people with chronic diseases, heart, lungs, immunodeficiency (HIV infections, etc.), diabetes, stone NEMA, obese people are particularly difficult to fall into influenza is.
Influenza’s most common complications are found in pneumonia.
According to data from the National Institute of Public Health, about 70 to 100 people have died per year due to influenza and its complications.
Experts have a clinical image of influenza, with sudden occurrence of diseases, maintaining high fever for several days, chills, headache, joints, muscles, remarkable weakness, nasalitis, sore throat, dry attack. , General breakdown.
influenza. The number of cases is increasing in Europe
Other European countries are currently facing influenza.
In France, the number of flu cases is increasing rapidly and has been reported since the beginning of the year. The epidemiological situation was difficult and the mortality rate was 7.3 %. The second week of January.
In Germany, about 60 % executed tests have positive results. The increased rate of unresting rates is remarkable in countries such as Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. This is a statement by the National Program Bureau for fighting infectious diseases.
“Event”: Record record for influenza. 100,000 or 2 weeks patients/Polsat News/Polsat News