Police officers arrest three three
Source: Google Land
In terms of Thursday’s event in Biadoęęk, which was collected in terms of Thursday vision, where shots were shed into the sloping of the police. Soon they will move him to the prosecutor’s office, which decides on the destiny of three detainees. The findings of officers show that everyone has contradicted before law. During the detention, they were under the influence of alcohol.
On Thursday, the capital police reported photos to the police and the crime pursuit by social media. We asked Warsaw on Warsaw in Warsaw in Wordowns Varshabar Warsaw on the details of this file. As he was engaged in the field, police streets in the field.
– In the direction of its reforms, arrows were taken from people who have moved audit. The police turned away the escape cars. 102 At the height of myślibistska 102 of them lost. They stopped transport, it turned out that three men are 31, 32 and 42. Onyyszko.
Men were arrested. At the time of search, a gas weapons, were found at once and the ax. All these items have been provided. There were employed in research groups, which destroyed both the audit and car. After providing tracking, the audit was transferred to the police parking, where there will remain trial for trial.
“Each of them opposed the law”
The detainees were ordered in JagielloSka. They have been checked with a breathing for the blanket of alcohol in breath. According to Notyyszko, each expert examination indicates about a half of the alcohol. – It turned out that the 31-year-old driver was an active ban on the driving. We also checked my files. Earlier, each of them opposed the law – says police.
He also explains that on Friday remains in charge of police. – We are engaged in their arrest with the prosecutor’s office – he records. The officers are still testifying to the prosecutor’s office. They intend to fight with the monitoring among others.
Author / author: kk
Source: Tunvals.pl
Main photos: Masovia police