On Friday, near the łagów near the Crowns of Crowia ODrzańńńńńńńńńńńńskskseie, an accident. Preliminary findings show that Skeo driver started – started with another car during the other preparation. She also hit the side of the past car. This woman in the death of death. Were two children injured to travel with him and another car driver. Were hospitalized in the hospital.
A tragic accident occurred on the national way № 32 near łagów near Krosno ODRzańńskie (LHAGUS). As the pools of the poet, police talks in Krovah showing a woman to pass a woman before Skate. There Cell with another car, opel and collision with Valxvagen.
A woman in the place of dying
There are services in place of accident: fire brigade, six extraordinary cards and police. The helicoptering of the air perceptions was also landed. There were eight people in cars.
– The Skarata Head died at the scene. The opel driver and two Skode’s two children were taken to the hospital – said he said. According to him, the state of children “is called a heavy way.”
One of them is taken to the hospital with the LPP helicopter, another with emergency.
Police officers work under the prosecutor’s control. The road is closed. Digital via łagów Kosizez and gons.
Source of Key Photo: Facebook / Police Cross RightskiSki