The Monday Armen Sarkijon – separatist and the traitor wanted to be Ukraine – died in Moscow. APS Agency has published the record from the murder for his life. What the Ukrainian politician Anton Heraszenko recording a record of x, which shows the rules in relation to emergency and firefighters. The Russian Mapa Bowen Chryenjon was killed as a result of residential injuries at the Follow-Western residential complex. The hardest drugs were placed at the bottom of the ground at the bottom of the ground. According to the Russian authorities, they exploded by mining their sources, granes or explosives in the building. When Chimagun became an explosion to his wall building. The man was in a difficult situation in the hospital. One of his walls died. The other three were injured. Yakin Sarkhi-Ukraine by Ukraine to participate in suspension of protests in 2014 and activities in the interests of the president’s armed elements in Donban. He was also known as a back organizer “Titusk” – young groups attacked the participants.
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