The Court of Ullots decided to be chaired by the Deputy Director, teacher and student to be guilty in attempting to kill murder. However, the court ended up to 28 April by a fine. “I’m sorry for this is the far out, but I have to do it” – said the judicial judge.
According to BBC, the judges decided to fall into the Walanis on Monday, where 14 years of age, three of the past three years ago. A teenager who was not cleared were confessed to the victim, but he refused that he wanted to kill them.
Judge spoken the incident by April 28. “I don’t intend to judge today. Before April 28 could not have a decision.
She said about “famous”
In April last year in the elementary school in Ammannel, Carmartheshire in Walms, 13 old student attacked three people with a knife. According to the prosecutor’s office in the morning of April 24, the girl came with a knife with a pocket, which was used after fishing. “In the break, he addressed the Deputy Fionure and shaking him, and kill him.”
13-years have finished with other teachers. The police were invited. Teenagers had to reach one of the officers: “I made him elegant.” “I’m about 90 percent sure it will be in the news later or later it is. This is one of the ways to become an exercise,” he said. All three victims remained alive, and a teenager had been faced.
Hopkite, who has caused the chest, shoulders were injured and shipped to the hospital with a rescue helicopter. Elijah was injured in the shoulder and hand, and the student who attacked the hand stroke. BBC informs that the court was established in the judiciary that set to Hopograph. “Liz, the word” thank you “is insufficient.” As said if no one has a friend “he will not be here for here.”
See also: In Malland at Christmas. Two women are dead, two young men in the hospital
A knife attack at school. That was identified in the process of the process
According to the BBC, the judges listen to the judges before issuing the sentence, in the penitentiary number. One of them said that it would not know the girl that would like to “a stupid thing” might cause him to throw him. He also watched records from the camera located on the police. You can hear about how teenager is about “famous” and “to the number of people.” Before the trial was found, Ms. Eliod was said by the face of the Holy Spirit with the words “burned”.
A few months ago, the school staff found in his bags of a small kitchen knot. “Back was killed because he had done so. The police call the prosecutor of William Hhuis.
According to the Feais, the judgment of the court is important for all teachers. “No school staff should never worry about their security, if they only do his duties,” said BBC. – This decision must be considered as an obvious message for students across the country. I didn’t like someone where I went there to stay alive. The Wales government stated in the issued statement that any “violence or employee abuse” in schools are completely acceptable and added to each student who encountered weapons. “
See also: The father was condemned to kill a 10-year-old girl
Main photos: Ben riches / images