-Ukraine is ready for a diplomatic path at the end of the war. I’m ready to talk to Putin as needed -wołodymyrzelnski said. “I’m not kind to Putin, I think he is an enemy,” he added. President Ukraine said that Ukraine, Russia, the United States and Europe should be negotiated.
President Ukraine’s groundbreaking word fell into an interview with British journalist Piers Morgan, who appeared on YouTube.
“Ukraine is ready to walk on a diplomatic path at the end of the war, and is ready to talk to Putin as needed,” said Zelankie.
-If you think we must go on a diplomatic path, if we are ready to go diplomatic roads, we must have the United States, Europe, Ukraine, and Russia. I pointed out.
War in Ukraine. Declaration of Zerranky about discussions with Putin
-I’re not kind to Putin, I think he’s an enemy, and to be honest, I think he’s regard to me -Ukraine pointed out.
Zelasky said that 45,000 people had died from the beginning of the complete scale war with Russia. Ukrainians and 390,000 were injured.
He also declared the openness of the presidential election. But he reminded me that it would not be done during martial law.
Ukraine’s president pointed out that providing Russia a sanctions rest is not a good solution.
“If sanctions are abolished, I think it will increase the risk of the second invasion,” he said.
The article will be updated.
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