The United States is reliable partner in relation to which president of the Donald Trump says, even about the oshi strip? – With such a question, Pavbeg Pavbudovova Andrey Dustada, the former residency of the intelligence agency. – Please reject the advertisements from the actual facts. The United States is a reliable and strong partner. Without the United States, nothing in the world should be the US consent of the United States, “I would like to find the program” language “. In his opinion, Trump tried to strengthen the position of the US, which has been weakened in recent years. – You also need to understand as a program hotel, there is a problem with Gaza Strips “to solve normal methods”. – This offer was the Arab world because fellow believers are difficult – said Cov. Rainlet. He noted that the reaction of the Arabic world react, which might criticize the trump’s proposal that could get “the rates of talk”. “They just want to do from Americans, some financial support” said the former head of Aw. He reminded the Arab world, with the Palestinians. – In September in Jahim (civil war of the country, who announced the creation of the Palestinian victory in 1970 – editor’s mind) – editor’s mind) – editor’s mind) – editor’s mind) – editor’s mind) – editor’s mind) – explained. – At present, ie the place of maintenance of the local locist of Gaza and the region of Israel in the form, as it is now unstable – said Col.Ndrj derlatka.
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