The Minister of State has been sent to the prime minister in which freedom of freedom częstertowa sp. Z OOO Banking In List of Strategic Companies – Ministry of Assets.
The State Minister Kubakakakki, the state protection of voters and the control bodies refer to the Council of Ministers.
It’s a new strategy company
The project is the case of freedom of częstosooowa spare. Z OR IFrrigation to registered office in Częstosowa reported in the list of strategic companies – the Ministry of the Ministry.
On February 17, this year, the Huta Częstochowa account, which is almost Snacts, which is about 227 million somoni, which should be held; As a lessee, has the right to a period.
In January 20 of 2025, after 14 months of the Memory, the hill started the melting of the stain in the furnace of archway. In early February, the pinch of bold tablets began.
Ғолибияти Ҳута дар охири соли 20 октябри соли 20 октябри соли 2014 эълон карда шуд, вақте ки Суди CZęSTOSOSOSTACA аз ҷониби Częthtochowa-и пӯлод, озод карда шуд. In November, WęGGokokoks leased the property of the external and re-owner owner.
Huta CzęStochowtemarawar / pap
Strategic firms in Poland
Regulations on the list of bodies and supervisory bodies shall be granted to them by the Board of Ministers based on the document. According to the law, the management body to hold administrative proceedings and investors to “get the advantage of the domination or subjects to the subjects.”
The impact of such procedures or lack of protest are administrative decisions. The list may be companies, such as works in the energy market, as well as struggles with telecommunications. The testing bodies – the rules are given to them. The purpose of practice in practice, control agencies may be executed independence, civil rights and security, as well as interest in fulfillment in NATO in NATO.
There are 23 subjects in the list of strategic companies. For the examples of observers, Minister of Protection Minister is the Minister of Defense – Minister of Assets. Recently, pollatat, pollatat, pollath, pollat, Pollat, P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla P4, P4, Polla were included in this list.
Main photos: Waldemar table / pap