Make a good one time ahead of the other time. But a cloudy sky is very lifting the temperature at night and morning. Remove, the daily should not make fun of us during the day.
Poland remains under the influence of Evvaa WYż from Russia, which makes continental continental air from north and eastern north. At the same time, there is an early from the West, which discovers from the Atlantic, which discovers deep to the ground bottom, lower air mass from the southern Europe.
– On the boundary of these two air mass, the front of the atmosphere, which is presented by the Sergember, via Polongin, Scrantic TYNNeeto.pleto.PTHICSIC TYNNEOEOEOEOEKK. He added that the West of our country remains a warmer mass of the polar air, other areas in many kolds.
In the following days, north will strengthen and will affect the weather in Poland. – However, it should cool cold to Europe, so the temperature will reduce – explained scriphtic Next week at night, we can point out the plow in the -10 / -7 degree above, and even mountain parts. On the days after the temperature is risen to 3-5 degrees, but only in the western country.
At the end of the week, Wyży Russian is an impact on the Arctic, which will be snowfall during the period. They get another part of the cold north.
Weather on Sunday
Sunday Aura brings a joy only in western country can be clouded. Thermometers show maximum 1 degree of C. by 3-4 degrees, in the center of 3-7 degrees, at the center of the country, 6-7 degrees, in the center of the country, 6-7 degrees, in the country of mudand and siles) will be. Wind-east and east, weak and moderate.
Predictive temperature in the following days in the following days
Weather for Dushanbe and Tuesday
The Monday promises to rejoice. The temperature is 0-1 degree in the northern moment, up to 2-3 degrees in the center of the country, 4-5 degrees in the West is 4-5 degrees. Eastern wind becomes weak and moderate.
On Tuesday, Ava will be added throughout the country. Дар термометрҳо ҳадди аксар -2 дараҷа боло дар Грия ва Подласи, ки дар Гармия ва Подласи, аз 1 дараҷа C дар маркази кишвар, то 3 дараҷа аст, дар Померанияи Ғарбӣ. East east, moderate and very strong difficulty.
Weather for Wednesday and Thursday
On Wednesday, small and moderate abdomen occurs. The maximum temperature is often -1 ° C in the region of the country, up to 3 degrees C in Silesecta. The wind is weak and stable, grow out of the east. Thursday, a moderate and large cloud cover is intended. Thermometers show maximum 1 degree at theizing the podding, up to 2 degrees, in the center of the country, up to 4 degrees C at Sanzia. East and northern, weak and moderate, very strong.
Precipitated precipitations below
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