Doctors from Zabre removed 8 kilograms window. Great, although they are also larger. But in this case, this is a very young semester, 23 years old. It clarifies the problems that are not studying Poland women. Years.
It cannot miss it but the patient didn’t listen to him for a long time. – She knew that his abdominal brain had increased, and it was the only one Dr. Marzannic Languages in Zabre.
The ovarian voting, which has grown in the belly of 23-year-old women and the patient has reached only when his foot was swollen. She swells because of the tumor.
– Changing nutritious vessels, which has already been a direct threat to the patient and health, said Dr. Marius wó1towicz.
The tumor has grown in the stomach at least a year
Клоте метавонад гиле хун бошад, экологии шуш, варам метавонад ба рӯдаҳо зарар расонад, зеро он ба рӯяшон зарар расонида метавонад, зеро он ба онҳо калон шуда, ба воя расида ё вайрон ва peritonitis оғоз ёфт. The patient was waiting too late, the doctors did not expect.
– We have been prepared for all the options, as it was a complicated order – said Bożena ślika ślika, an Artact headache and the intensive care of a municipal hospital in Zabre.
This procedure was also very complicated, as a patient’s readiness lasted a month. Gynecologists and surgery were conducted in the Municipal Hospital in Rains. The swelling was not cruel.
See Plann24 Going: “Each period in his life will have a prostate cancer
– Larger changes from small size – indicated that Terk Scholk Schola, the Deputy Center for the Women’s health and children’s health.
A person in the 23-year stages grew up to the 23-year-old stomach. A woman went to a gynecologist. – SONY Young does not have a problem that she noted the threat of life – the attention of Dr. Marisin Wóktowicz.
The first time the doctors did not check healthy patients. Polish women have already 14 kilograms, 30-kilom, 30-kilometers, and even 42-kilometers.
– Чунин аломати нишебӣ мавҷуд аст: бемор аввал либосро васеъ карда, ба гинеколог равед ва танҳо он вақт ба гинеколог равед – гинеколог, гинеколог, акстетриан аз Беморхонаи мунисипалӣ дар Забрезӣ.
Molish women fall to study
Similar lemons slightly check too much. Mammography in NFZ is used by the name of Cytofiod – 11 percent. This is the latest NFZ information.
– The National Health Foundation of the study informs of this study, therefore there is no doubt of the lack of such research and that research is. (…) If nothing is hurt, then women do not go to this study – explained Anva from the National Branch of the National Health Fund.
Also read: “50 percent depends on us.” Experts on how to reduce the risk of cancer
There are many excuses, each of the health is removed.
“No one said to me about it.” That is why we should use regular roading design, no one should order it – Anna Coupe “from” onkiecke “from” onkiecke “.
23-year-old in Zabreze is already at home. There is no swelling. – In a good common condition, it’s nice to know that these such as tumors should not be ignored – he said, Dr. Maria wótowicz.
Life of life and complex life surgery or a visit to a year. Selection seems simple.
Source of Key Photo: Women’s Health Center Women and Child Woming Wojciech Starzewski in Zabreze