– Romans define us. Онҳо бовар мекунанд, ки Лаҳистон намунаи таърихи аҷиби комиссионӣ аз рӯи блоки собиқ шарир аст – гуфт, ки KAMIL kamil kamil kamil kamil kamil kamil kamil kamil kamil kłus дар барномаи “Девасия”. According to the data of the Eurastat, Romania already already passes out the area and regions of the region as a population, although income is higher in Poland. – Polish is a country from the point of view, they were poor and they developed quickly and develop. Poland has gained a great political success that will enter NATO and later there is an important role to the European Union, but currently in the European Union or in attitudes. It’s all powerful to the Romans – admit Kamil Całus. The Patratian labor guests have probably emphasized that the Romans also know about our history. – Romania is likely to be the only country in the area where he studied children at school, killed the Islamic marie to Europe. The Roman history is based on your personality or faith due to the fight against the Utman’s empire – explained the Center for Eastern Trade Center. – All of this will for them to make experts in the present and past in the past. More in the “Arts” program. Watch the whole conversation in your YouTube channel.