This moment from the moment that was angry and hit the building. Detailed on Tuesday in Findgoszc. According to preliminary conclusions, the turn was too much speed.
A line of line 6 After the 3rd behind Gdańska, FOCHA and JagielloSka took place. Bilateral burns hit the sides of 1912 with a series of arcade and stuck between columns and semi-half of the arkads. Fortunately, no one spent the pedestrian in the arms.
The Deep Trump in Fordgoszydmkmkmuck
– According to preliminary findings, the trailing extension was an excessive template. None of people in the triumph. The driver was the hard – said Aspirtant krzyztof bratz from municipal police police station in Dengoszk.
The trumpet of the tram on the Fordgoszcz S / Tamabos24
Talk about communal roads and public transport authorities in FDGoszczz, Katariza Moses, speaks in a similar music.
– Rabilities of the event by the police and control of services on services of communication enterprise in Redgoszc. We ensure our monitoring monitoring that units can be useful for these units. At the same time, we can say based on monitoring records that the possibility of adaptation to the speed of the car – one of the elements of the road – he explains.
The trumpet of the tram on the Fordgoszcz S / Tamabos24
Source of main photos: ZDMKIP in Fordgoszzzz