You can see some neutrality, but unfortunately there are some more important. This issue is generally expenses in all costs and at the expense of “facts” in the facts “facts” the former Ministry of Labor Ministry in Ukraine. The former Gental General General Gental General Polko Polko Polko
The President of the United States Donald Trump talked to Russian Board Wednesday. After that conversation, the Trump reported that they agreed to the peaceful negotiations on Ukraine.
The oldest command Polko Polko Polko Polko command is Polko Polko in Ukraine, said, “Some talk about the interview interview. “I don’t see any fog here, just get rid of priority cards. First of all, the United States said that membership Ukraine is in a non-“non-state”. He also acknowledged at the return of Ukraine to the borders in 2014 as a “IMFIGIRIFICT”.
In accordance with Poland “there is no idea.” If it is implemented by these negotiations, it is difficult to be. – went without Ukraine, without an agreement with NATO partners or with friends from the European Union, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog, and it is difficult to speak differently and makes some fog – it is difficult to speak differently and makes it difficult to speak different and difficult.
“A few of the bad things will appear”
According to the deputy manager of the Ministry of National Defense Ministry of Liyon, “part of the Strategy”. ”
– You can see a slight chaos. Аммо ба ман, ки пурра назорат карда намешавад, зеро ҳар рӯз ягон маълумоти гуногун дорем, аммо аз ин бетартибӣ ба вуҷуд меояд ва ба назари ман, чанде, мутаассифона чизҳои бад пайдо мешаванд – гуфт ӯ.
– The productive, this desire to war end on all costs and Ukrainian accounts. (…) and the second element is whether you can make a little bit for the United States, let’s do it – pointed out. “This is a terrible situation” said the terrestriot. He noted the compliance of a unique deposits of rough and electric lands. Trump has expressed interest in signing a contract with Ukraine, which gives the broadband US access to them.
– determines whether we are independence and sovereignty in the dollar and dollars.
– It had a Keo -Atomession Wishes and I can say that the new United States of the United States in the United States are probably well.
Read well: NBC: US soldiers in Ukraine to protect the rare land deposits
“Americans act on the Russian point”
He asked him if he was “surprised to negotiate or what has been achieved.” “Putin may be surprised but can’t be completely amazed because Americans do not have actions that have good works from Russia. ‘
He attracted his attention to two elements. – The first element, Americans give all the weapons in Ukraine, they were detained these materials. For example, they don’t say the cities are not offended by Russia. Before it (boil) was very careful here. Today, this type does not find the formation and Ukrainians have a effective warehouses and effectively effectively addressed the effectively effectively addressed effectively.
He added this from the Russian point of view to make the situation more difficult.
Main photos: PAP / EPA / Ronald Wittek