“I don’t believe that the war in Ukraine can quickly expires,” Anna Maria drilled polaries that are “said in the facts after facts” in the five-time. Тибқи иттилои бастаи умумии Bogusławkawkawkawławławławkawławkawławkawławławławławławławławkawławławławławławławławławławławławławławkawławławławkawławławławławkawławkawławkawławkawkawławkawławkawkawławk, ҷанг назар ба якчанд ҳафта пеш интизор шуда буд. To think of him “later this year.” – Putin knows that he can win a lot but she can also be lost. She knows the Trump wants to show Americans and the world in all costs – he said.
Monday Anna Maria Maria says a policy and Bogusła Pacek and Bogusłav Packerk and Polish Museum, the Ukrainian Museum. ”
“I am not convinced that the war in Ukraine could be completed quickly for several reasons,” the calf replied. He first noted that the first, “even referred to in your messages, and if you carefully tell them about the words you can conclude a peace plan.”
To the statement that tuesday at the Arabian capitals in the United States and visits say “When you look at the negotiations about it, they still agree to agree on it as well as the They focus on bilateral issues, in this trump-Putin peak. “
“The second aspect is related to the wealth that claims to be a contract from its Hereafter” the calf said.
He added that the next question is concerned that Europe would act in all cases. ”
– Even if we imagine the goals of these conversations, Ukraine will be included in the near future, it does not mean that Russian aggressive policy will change. And that doesn’t mean suddenly, such as magical touch, we will establish a normal activity of the Ukrainian state – said it said.
Read as well: zełenski: Works without Ukraine are unique. Trump Pressure: None
General Pacek: Battle is more faster than faster
General Back said, “Russia three points noted that the condition is the condition of success.” – Start of negotiations, Presidential elections in Ukraine or elections completely, because they talked about it differently from Moscow – added him.
In his opinion, this war “the faster we ended much faster.” – I think of this year because Donald Trump (…) was so many evidence to argue – he said.
– Putin knows that he can win a lot but she can also be lost. She knows the Trump wants to show Americans and the world at all values. This will be the first great success if he gets high, let me say within a few months of February 20 (Year). I think it is possible to – he said.
Main photos: PAP / EPA / EPA / 24th