Weather for Today, Ie on Saturday, 1.03. The beginning of the weekend is marked in many places in the country with clouds and rain with snow and snow. We see 6 degrees 6 degrees on therometers.
On Saturday is the first day of meteorological spring. Heavy clouds foretold in the west and south. The precipitations are running in Pomerantania and Llamus, precipitation. The rest of the country the precipitation of periodic precipitations with snow to 5 liters per square meter will be 1-3 centimeters. Temperary temperature exceeds 3 degrees in the Salezi zone and the UPLANDS, up to 4 degrees in the western Charper, 6 degrees in the west of the country, 6 degrees in the western Poluhia, 6 degrees in the west of the country, 6 degrees in the west of the country, 6 degrees, land and podkarpacie. Northwest and wind leaves the wind slow and moderate.
Biostetological conditions – Wednesday, 26.02
The type of air reaches 80-90 percent. We feel cold and humidity. Biomet is usually unfavorable, only in the northwest it will be neutral.
Biological conditions on SobotęTę
Weather for Today – Warsaw
Saturday in Warsawa promises to be cloudy. There may be temporary rains with snow and snow, which also slips. On the thermometers we see maximum 4 degrees 4 degrees 4 degrees that the wind blows the wind blows. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1011 HPA.
Weather for today – tri
In GDjenia, Gdańs and Sopsk, the Sabbath, clouds and temporary rains are brought to snow and snow. Note – it will be slipping. The thermometers show maximum 4 degrees that the wind will be weak and stable and it will be from northwest and it will be from northwest. At the afternoon, pressing reaches 1026 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
The Poznań, a cloudy and periodic rain with snow and snow appears on Saturday. In the afternoon they disappear. Note, roads and boiling can be sliding. The maximum temperature reaches 5 degrees C. slow and moderate from northern north. In the afternoon in the mailes we see 1017 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
Residents on Saturday with clouds, clearings and temporary rain with snow and snow (they disappear at the afternoon). It is sliding. The maximum height will be 5 degrees will be weak and stable and it will be from northwest. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1013 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
In Krakow, the Sabbath will be cloudy, but would be possible to delete the light. It rained with snow and snow itself. Roads and tomatoes will be sliding. The maximum height of 4 degrees arrives C. The weak and stable wind blows from the west. At the afternoon, the pressure will be 999 HPA.
Work conditions on SacotęTę
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket