The Ukrainian president appeared on Fox News TV Studio just a few minutes after leaving the White House. In an interview with journalist Brett Bayer, the Ukrainian leader commented on the upset meeting with Donald Trump.
Wołodymyr Zelanski has already been involved in his first sentence, and despite the arguments, “He respects President Dondaldo Trump and the American nation.” When asked during the conversation if he regrets what happened, the Ukrainian president emphasized that it was “not good” for both sides.
At the same time, politicians said they did not feel the need to apologise for the sharp exchange of text.
-We must be very open and very honest. I don’t think we’ve done anything wrong (…) I think we have to respect democracy and free media and discuss it outside of the media – he explained.
wołodymyr Zelnski of Washington. “I want to hear that America is supporting us, not Putin.”
Later in the interview, the Ukrainian president mentioned further ties with the United States. In the context of signing a cooperation agreement in the mining sector of Ukrainian deposits. Wołodymyr Zelanski admitted, in his opinion, that signing the document would be “the first step to ensuring security.”
The Ukrainian leader also noted in subsequent conversations that he wanted a clear declaration from the White House administration.
– I’ve been fighting this for three years and as the president of the country I want to hear that America has supported us, he said, not Vladimir Putin, we don’t want to lose Europe, but America is the biggest donor of help.
– Ukraine wants peace and there are negotiations. I only mentioned fair and durable peace. We have to be very strong. We need to be in a strong position. Our army must be strong, we must have security guarantees – Zelanski added.
The Ukrainian president visits the White House. Zellankey regarding his resignation
Interviewer Brett Byer asked President Zellankey if his country was prepared for a possible war without the help of the United States.
– It would be difficult for us without the help of the US. But we cannot lose or lose people. The Russians came to our house. They killed our citizens. Does Putin mean an order? I won’t say this – he stressed, adding that Europe is ready to support funding the Ukrainian army.
-We want to find a place for our biggest strategic partner, the United States. The US offers what security guarantees can give us (…) If there is a security guarantee, we are ready to speak in four: Europe, the US, Russia and Ukraine – the President pointed out.
The Ukrainian president was also asked to comment on the proposal. The proposal manifests among American politicians about the need to change at the highest level of Kiev authorities, including the president.
– Only Ukrainian citizens can fire me (…) I don’t think such a proposal is okay. I think I’m doing what I should. With all respect, however, Ukrainians can make decisions about their president – he said.
Washington. Wołodymyr Zelnski: Can rebuild relations with President Trump
Returning to the subject of the detective’s sharp exchange that took place during a meeting between Donald Trump and his collaborators, Wowodymil Zelansky once again emphasized that he cared about certain US actions to support his country in the fight against Russia.
As Ukrainian leaders have confirmed, he expects the people of the White House, especially the US president, to be “on the side of Ukraine.”
-It’s not about anger. When you are in America, great politicians say that Ukraine has been almost completely destroyed, our soldiers are running away, they are not heroes. What is the response? This is not about anger, but about accuracy (…) This is not just territory, but these are homes. Here, no one wants to forgive Putin (…) This war did not start suddenly. It was the Russians who attacked our country (…) Donald Trump always spoke of peace through power. Both should stand together against Putin – he pointed out.
At the same time, Zelansky said he believes in improving relations with the US president despite the altercations that took place during the meeting.
– Of course, we can rebuild our relationship with President Trump. This is not just between presidents, but between our nations as well. Your people must help save our people. This is very important. We want a very strong relationship between our countries – he concluded.
Edited at Whittle House. This is what Zelasky’s discussion with Trump and Bank ©2024 The Associated Press looked like
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