The air for today. Monday with watering is marked. At the end of the day, there will be more spread. At the hottest moment, thermometers will show 10 degrees heating.
Monday will be cloudy on Monday. During the day, from the West, the abolition will be going on to the country. Umbrella will not be useful for us. In our thermometereters our maximum 5/6 degree in the area of Suvłk, up to 7/8 degrees C at the center, up to 9/10 degrees C in Sanhesia. Normal and very hard to get northwest from northwest. In northeast, the broadest, the developments reaches 40-50 kilometers per hour. The coast area will be even more over again – up to 70 km / h.
Biostetological conditions – Dushanbe, 3.03
Demidity damp is air reaches 6-80 percent. In the most powerful area of the country it will be cool while heating comfort in the southwest will occur. In the northern and western regions, unfavorable and favorable at the south-western end and neutral in the rest of the country.
Biological biological conditions of Dushanbe
Weather for Today – Warsaw
Monday in Warsaw is a cloudy sky with light. Thermometers show maximum 7 degrees, West, moderate and very strong windy. The pressure reaches 1010 hpa in the afternoon.
Weather for today – tri
In the jeans, Gdańs and Sopot, clouds and cleaning the clouds is expected. In the thermometers we see maximum 7 degrees C. A very strong strong wind and a wale off the west. At the afternoon, pressure will be 1021 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
There is a cloudy, cloudy with multiple fuel on Monday. The maximum of the maximum 9 degrees will be C. Medium and a very strong wind blows from the west. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1016 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
The residents can wait a cloud of Dushanbe on Monday, but as well as many controversy. The maximum height of 10 degrees reaches C. The weak and stable wind is eating from the west. In the afternoon we will see 1008 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
In Krakov, Monday will be referred to in a cloudy sky with cleanliness. In thermosters we have a maximum of 7 degrees C. leaves a weak and moderate wind. At the afternoon, the boometers show 1001 HPA.
Road conditions on Monday
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