European leaders supported the strengthening of defense in the summit in the summit in the sample in Brussels, but 26 countries, without on-office, without on-office. Polish Sidm decided that this immunity to the lake, Kaczyński and Mariuszzzzak and arrested and detained. ECIXPOTPOTE recommends that Poland breaks Poland. These are six things that should be on Friday, March 7.
1. Conclusions are available, leaders of the IT Hungary’s leaders
On Thursday, the immediate vice of the Council of Europe with the participation of European Heads of European Leaders and Governments in Brussels. Ukraine President Wołodymyr Zelnski also came up. The incident they discussed among others in Ukraine and the issue of strengthening the European Defense.
The Council of Europe has been taken in defense, but 26 countries of Ukraine, without office – information agencies that are brought to the EU sources. In conclusion, the conclusions that the guidelines are unanimously connected to the heads of state and governments.
>> Leaders of EU Hungary. Ukraine Registration is undoubtedly supported by 26 countries
Leaders in Summit
2. Norwegia significantly contributes to Ukraine
Норвегия Сарвазири Жонас Скейтес пешниҳод карда шуд, ки дастгирии Украина аз Осло дар соли 2025 то 35 миллиард то 85 миллиард то 8,4 миллиард то 8,4 миллиард то 8,4 миллиарду 30 миллиард. The minority minority minorities earned from the opposition on Thursday. More often than twice, it is helped to buy weapons, ammunition, technology, technology, technology and investing in Ukrainian weapons. The government prompts the draft law in parliament. – Today we have completed a wonderful deal. Ukrainian Support will help counter the Russian rape and a peace plan to talk about journalists with journalists.
3. In a steady state, on Friday day without a message
Vatican said on Thursday that Papa is in a steady state. He also informed the change in communication. “Due to the stability of PAPA, PAPA health does not give the Bible on Friday. Will publish one on Saturday “reported. It also stated that Francsex has not experienced further crisis.
4. Jamie is third in the state of kaczyński, Błaszczak and Matecki decided
Рӯзи панҷшанбе, SEDM барои бекор кардани масуният ба президенти ИДМ Ҷаросłски Жаросłски ва Вазири собиқи мудофиаи миллӣ BłISYZ BłISYZ BłISIUSZ BłISYZ BłISIUSZ BłISISZZZAK. Powers also agreed to detain and detain the scope of this party.
Program to pull Kaczyński to his obligation before the Perzus’s commitment commission, which is “very serious and reproductive crime,” he has been accused of his rights in the direction of Suribus. to make it.
Ruzharder Terrelli, Kazin Kaczyński, Mariuszski, Marusz Błaszzake in sejm pap pap pap / set
The request for the National Prosecutor was due to abolition of composition and consent to his detention and detention to his detention and detention to his detention and detention to his detention and detention to the investigation fund. However, MP has previously refused his immunity. However, SEARM must vote for the sequence of suspension and temporary detention.
More information about it >>>
5 “KPOP legal board document
The Legal Board of the ECCOLIOL Conference recommends that Poland bishop learned a number of a hand in public by some of the priests, RMF FM. The Tomasz Tomasz Tomasz Tomasz Terrlovova, who reached the document, was “a doubt.”
Father Leszek Gsiak Soulkesman took the floor on this. He was convinced that “Creating sexual violence commission is a priority for Bishops” and the document is one of the opinions in this type of discussion.
>> “Jumping” The Legal Council of Kep. Epicepate speech to <
6. The first mission. Fights protect Polish skies
Happy aircraft Happy Picture of Polish ground from Poland as part of the Polish Polish delegation that the government said in Stockholm. In our country in April and May, there are six to eighty and eighty-eightyers to employees of pilot and services.
– For the first time our air fiors from the territory of the plane from the territory of the Swedish, said the Minister of Defurbishment of the Swedish Pal Johnson will take part in the press conference.
Handed Colors and F-16 Wars (Changes’ Archive) Channel
Main photos: PAP / Wiktor DąBKowski