Saturday was another day of the President of the Polish the President of the Polish President with voters. Cross-prejudice negotiations with France about “Pressuring nuclims”. RAFAłing trufiskski argued that military study should be open to all. Karad explained the Navrokhi, a red way to be established “the strategic interest of the Polish state.” In turn, Magdalena Bank appealed to women.
SEJM Manshal Sincon Sinsyon Shakwaria met with voters in Korzalin. She said that between others about safety.
– We need to start considering the French version, and we need to start to do whatever and dispose of a tactical weapon of our atoma.
Huwushia also said the stain to discuss Friday talks on the third and speech of the Prime Minister. – a complete agreement with the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister, which we should re-support the European defense potential. We need to reconsider our industry – he said.
He said that with the Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Ministry of National Defense Wjadysze Kosinik – Cosia “waiting for radical accelerating in the field of combat.
Politicians identified that the key to security is cooperation with the European Union. “We must start talking to the French first of all about the extension of nuclear umbrella from French in Poland.”
He noted that “accurate conditions it is necessary to ensure that the conditions of a nuclear support will be. “If someone spreads the umbrella, then he still has his own.” – said Hutabori.
He assumed that “serious conversation” should begin, about how parlast is starting his way to start the nuclear power. – Because the nuclear power is not cultivated today, but a serious way to intimidate those of their nuclear today, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, who grow in the world are diagnosed in the world.
According to the possibility of a compulsory service of military service, Hutabori said he had seen such necessity. She noted that for example, in example, for example, in such a cyber, antielitis or muscle defense, neither soldiers needed to be soldiers.
He positively assessed the idea of mandatory military training. But he determined that Sarvani testified on the subject: “By the end of the year, we must develop programs, no training project, nor the year we need to develop programs, nor the year we need to develop apps.
Placement stressed that the trainings should be primarily to increase competition in the field, “It is necessary in the army, then saving life and health and crisis activities.
– If we wait today, this is not a large kinetic crisis. I think that initially know that we can say that it can be a severe hybrid conflict – he said.
He will be the most important skills in the management of “Very complex skills” with border areas, rescue, handle work.
Trziskski: military training for men and women but only optional
Trziskski that is called Saturday on Bielsko-Biada, Donald Darks is prepared in the Ministry of Defense in Poland.
According to the President’s candidate, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense should develop a lot of training: teach, not only in the case of war or the second weekend.
– I think such courses should be open to all to participate in men and women. Times are trouble. If one wants to teach (…), the state should help them – he said. He noted that courses should be voluntary.
Trziskski – reminded that Poland is currently the largest army of the NATO in Europe. – This is a professional army. Perhaps it will increase to 300,000 soldiers. This is at the same stage in this stage. (…) should remain in Poland. It will not be sent it anywhere, but the protection of our borders – he said.
KO candidate took part in Bielssko-Biada in adopting the Women’s Campaign “Women’s for Election.” He noted that the most important issue is that they affect reality. “Equality must be the rule” he added.
As said, a woman should decide about his life and health. – If it is not able to offer the courage, then I offer such pressure for your friends and finally support that the extension law leads to it. I promise that we are clear. It is a priority for me – he said.
Read: President came to the United Nations. She met Marshall, he hears the prime minister later
Trviscons: Equality should be a real rule and decide on their life and health
Nawroki: We must be poles to try for the greatness
Karol Support Carol met with residents of the GDP General, where the festivals have said about the day of women’s day. – and dear, Mr. “Our norm” date “, until March 8, not those who can identify women as women. Yes, this “regulatory secting” we can return it and I want to go to the paste to you – he is declared.
– We need to be our website we need to get the poles, but to raise the red way, the red way should be expected – interpreted Nawroki. He stressed that “it is necessary to connect the national air network with the port in GD General.”
Navroki also noted that the control of the red way “The strategic interest is not only the GDPTRAL (…), but also strategic interests of the Polish state.” – We must do everything, as the president is all the things, because it is the way that is for him.
The red way is a route to promote direct communities of the Hdinder, including S6 Express route.
Navocole also calls to the construction of the central port of the central office, which is called “the regional intermediate between the Poland Economics.
Nawroki: We need to be ourselves, we have to be the poles for the size
Biejat: Women’s rights have preference
On Saturday, the Kinddenian Convention “took place in Warsaw, which is the rest of the president’s candidacy for the President.
During the speech, a candidate said that the direction of its political winds does not matter – whether it is just the feminist or not. – In 2023, everyone brought to women’s rights to women. Today, the same politicians copy Sławomir copying. I don’t. I’ve always been in one place – she stressed.
Anjjuz said she wants each woman to be to the hospital during her dangers in her home or when her husband threatens his violence. – I want financial security for independent mothers. I want a daily security for each of us – she declared.
– I am any candidate for the president of Poland. I am the only candidate whose women’s right is not the flowering shirt that she was not a sheep shirt. He added that the voice for other candidates is a lost voice for women’s rights.
Left candidate when the abortion of abortion is among others. – I am, I am and I will be for abortion, safe and accessible to have any woman in unwanted pregnancy. I knocked for me for me, for me to abortion. He also promised to be guilty until the law was changed,
He also noted that the herdual leave should be equal to both parents and pay 100 percent.
Biejat also paid attention to the problem of maintenance that invited violence against children. – It should emphasize strictly. Is enough for the independent mothers. Adequate with resources for life, for dinner for a child. Alimony is not gifts that are not grace. I order it – she assured it.
AIDS also talked about the need to “real equality” when it comes to women. The same amount of payments, equal products, equal products, equal treatment in each field of life “he said.
Biejat: The parents’s right hand is equal to the mother and miss
Areas: we have less than three times in the middle of the EU
Candidate of Skavid Skavid Confederation meet with residents, where he said that more than 170 meetings across Poland. – As much as I get around Poland, the more Polish cities I see, I am happy to live in Poland and I’m Poland – he said.
He noted that “the people started to jealous.” – They are jealous of us quiet and secure in Poland. We have a number of restrictions on average. When I go in all cities in Poland, I’m never afraid to attack, lot. I am not afraid of my wallet, I was not afraid. “
He assessed that this is due to “legs live in Poland and believes that she lives in Poland in Poland.”
Areas: we have Setesseses of EU Setesses
Zandberg: An optional military study is reasonable; Necessarily “the fog announcement”
Saturday in Qualitinus, the party’s candidate in Qoszalin, she supports Koszalin, while he returned the return of women and men, while he returned “Prime Minister”
– Voluntary military training, for men and women wisely and the state of Polish should form them. However, you need to be abnormally you need to: which scale of this is as possible, and in which scale of the opportunity to visit Skzalin today.
He said that he wanted to hear “the nature of” from the rulers from the rulers. – I stick to the old principle that is better to explain about the facts, the announcement of the announcement. The Prime Minister of the Prime Minister has a vague announcement, but everything seems to what happens – said Zandberg.
He noted that if this theme returns after the presidential election, he has the opportunity to implement. “Professors do not have sufficient personal waters today, and they are not adapted to women or personal equipment.”
Source of main photos: Photographers Organizers, TV24