At 12 o’clock, the Union Conference meeting began at one of the hotels in Warsaw. The most important point of the event was the election of new members of the 12 Leader Council.
A few hours ago, the party court decided to remove it from the institution. Politicians associated with the Polish Crown Union of Glazegolzbrown were the last representatives of the party and sat on the leaders’ council.
Grzegorz Braun himself explained in a media speech before the start of the meeting, in a “act of pride,” “the political ego,” and “the hooded court.” At the same time, he emphasized that his party did not want to leave the Union, but he was forced to do so.
– Confederation’s parliament changed in party structure on Saturday. None of the activists of the Polish Crown Federation, whose president was taken from the party in January, has been sitting on her leadership council.
Union meeting. Colwin Mikke with “terrifying” activity
In an interview with the interior, the process of the Union meeting was commented on by former member Janus Kolwin Mikke in the moment after it was completed. One founder said the event reminded him of the “worst time of communism” in Poland.
– Today I felt like in 1955 when the communists fought to maintain power. Something is scary. No matter what logic, he was refused to vote for anything. I lied – he said.
– The Speaker refused to us that it was so interesting that Congress would establish a major meeting. According to Union law, Congress is the highest authority, and here we see that it is not even possible to change the chairman established by the Council of Leaders. This is incredible what Witold Tumanowicz did — he added.
At the same time, the former MP emphasized that he will officially leave the group today.
-I’m not hooked on participating in such things. It’s really embarrassing – he concluded.
Changes in the Union. Leader Council members respond to claims
The words of Janusz Korwin-Mikke have been commented by the Chief of Elector Sławomir Mentzen and from today he is also a member of the Bartosz Bocheńczak Council, the alliance leader.
In his opinion, commentary from former members of the group arrived with an attitude that merely criticises the actions of the current coalition authorities, and should be treated with a grain of salt.
– It is difficult to see the allegations that President Colwin Micke said. Comparing today’s Confederation and the events of the worst year of communism is separate from reality. A democratic vote was held during the event, with no one imposed on the choices of certain people. The fact that most activists voted in a different way than the former president does not mean that the event should be considered invalid – he emphasized.
Bartosz Bocheńczak also reminded Korwin-Mikke that he was involved in Grzegorz Braun’s presidential campaign, and officially supported him, and it was clear that he was negative about party authorities.
Currently, it consists of six activists from the New Hope Party: Masin Shipnievsky, Bartomiez Pejo, Conrad Berkowitz, Gurzegorz Pwakek, Bartos Bocekzak, Staniswau Tiska Krzysztof Tuduj, Witold Tumanowicz and Pawło seats.
Krzysztofrzońca became the party’s secretary, and Treasurer Michał Wawer became the party’s secretary.
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