Did they cry on the destiny of Ukrainian children? Yes, once. They saw this fate very tight – full of pain, suffering and fear. Parameskics, which form small patients in Ukraine, make up a lot of injuries as often as often. They also see such wounds that cannot heal. Those’s spirituality of children are cruelly experienced in battle.
Some help in Ukraine, others at the scene – in Poland. Everything is prepared, planned and well assigned. There are a lot in this mission that participates in this mission, including invisitors. Before the resellers set up another mission, they must be sure that their cars are prepared and properly equipped. You need to take care of medical equipment, kitchens, medication. You must also treat legal entities and legal issues. And that’s all to fight for the time to get out of time.
– I remember that I will handle a girl from Kharkov. He went out to walk the restaurant and unfortunately the rocket reached him severely injured. We were able to remember this transport on twelve hours and at the hospital in L.EV.
Kharkov and LVIV is 1030 kilometers.
“Literally separated her from his feet”
– Of course, transports are telling the remaining place of their lives. We remember the faces, we remember the names and always remember them, and we always remember them to help a second when I was asked about the specific stories.
– The girl was amazing, although he lost his leg. She traveled with her parents. His mother was also injured. The girl didn’t want to eat three days. We were able to persuade him to eat. She asked a hot dog and took it with the consent of the doctor. When we start talking to the way, he said he had been injured and lost his feet, but he was alive! – Life remembers. Seconds also told her about his own address – a micanic mikhi, who “survive”. She died.
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