Our threats protect the Minister of Foreign Foreign Affairs of the space attack.
– After the musco display, you can see that he will be a Donald Trump for the management of the President Donald Trump. She has no adverse diplomatic means, she was not a culture, she was not detained – says Bronice. – These yerlers’ problems – he adds.
Sikorski in the local media leaders. They write about the avannes
It can be different in radiation of cikormy. – As I know, has the Minister to the wise and wise game. Sometimes ill-treatment, but not more than that has reached diplomacy. He decided to enter with this unpleasant exchange from the Massokok, although I do not mean it is the former President of Poland Republic.
Especially so, as Komorovsky admits – he said, “It is an insult to the net already in the net.
– You can not have a person Pickiewicz here: “Establishment is not easy or small.” Ҷаноби Мусоҳ худро нишон надод, дида намешавад, ки ӯ «паноҳос» -ро нахонданд – мегӯяд Лаҳистон Доналд Доналд Доналд Доналс Мушко Bronisła Komorowski ва Элон Мускак © Ciect News | Eastern news, pap
Therefore, the former presidency admits – from “the PRIA’s worship is surprising about the muscos and Donald Trump.” – Politicians today are experiencing abuses, but they regret. If the American administration policy does not serve Ukrainian independence, it hit the interests of Poland. Pis can make up with a violent reality. And finally they can be ashamed – says Bronisłakki.
He recently remarks that “Peaters recently claimed that you should always defend your abroad.” – What are they doing now? They attack the minister sikorski. They our favorite innocent our saps our tire our saps our saps of us to use us.
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Surprises with a statement. “We have to praise every decision”
Sikorski Kontra musk
Perhaps we remind our “male and Rubio Rubi and Rubi and Rubi and Rubi and Rubi and Rubi, and the Elone Department of the United States to Ukraine.”
Those closest trumps, billionaire, tesla and spacex stated that “all fronts were” all the whole side of Starlinks of Starlink Starlinks.
Starlink for Ukraine. Elon Mushk has declared announcement. “We’ll never do that”
“Ukraine’s old costs make fun of the Ministry of Poland
“Man off, a little,” Moses said to him.
Since the beginning of Russia’s attack from Ukraine, SpacesX is given to Tenses of Starlink terminals that have a crucial connection to maintain a connection in front of the past. Thanks them, Ukraine soldiers can effectively coordinate their actions that are needed in the conditions of continuing conflict.
Michalla WRóbletwski, Wittualna Pollska Pollska