Wwadiswau Hrashiniuk has been accused of using soldiers protecting the state’s borders in a class that “shaming and humiliating them with public opinion and exposes them to the loss of trust needed for services.”
This is a statement regarding officers securing the border of Poland, Belarus, which fell to TVN24 in August 2021.
– The word soldier feels humiliated for all those who participated in Polish missions abroad. I have the impression that this is a pack of dogs surrounded by poor, vulnerable people – said at the time, Hurasinuk.
He added that soldiers will not progress like this. – garbage. These are not human behaviors. You have to speak straight. This is an anti-polished action. These soldiers do not serve the Polish province. On the contrary, they spit at all the values their parents and grandparents probably fought – he said.
władysław Frasyniuk plagued the soldiers. The court decided
On Monday, the District Court for Welclaw Girodmiesy held that Hrasinuk had violated the dignity and good name of the soldier. The PLN he declared to him at 15,000 at this assistant (Article 216, Paragraph 216, Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code) is going well. The verdict is illegal. Frasyniuk announced he would appeal.
Judge Piotr Gorekki in the verbal justification of the verdict emphasized that Frasiniuk has the right to criticize and use most of his television statements without violating the law. However, these three words describing soldiers presented on television screens as “trash” and “dog packs” exceeded the right to criticism, violating the soldier’s dignity and good name.
– It doesn’t matter whether these soldiers are affected or angry. Because it is not about the subjective evaluation of a particular man, but about the objective meaning of these terms and words. It is clear to everyone that the terms “trash” and “dog pack” are light-jerking, humiliating and violating the dignity of a person, his humanity said.
The judge explained that in the defendant’s statement to which the court convicted him, he scorned the officers during his official duties (Article 226 of the Penal Code), as the prosecutor’s duties wanted, but did not find art. 216 Parish Criminal Code 2 talks about the violation of dignity and good name.
Frasyniuk announces the appeal. He took the floor after his sentence
After the verdict, Frasyniuk found that after the verdict he was not infringed on the Constitution of the Republic of Poland or the European Human Rights Card and could speak strongly and critically with an official appearance.
– What the courts have said about me in a good way will never translate what he said in the end, that is, my fault. Why did the court recognize that I should suffer from consequences? The court said that human dignity must not be violated. The judge is racist and understands that white dignity has been violated – a Polish worship officer said – Frasiniuk said.
As he said, no one decided that Frasyniuk had offended them. – More – There is one officer who said: I heard, I saw, I was there. I don’t feel angry with Frasyniuk. Perhaps because they are “ciapacies”, human rights will ensure that dignity and sensitivity do not apply to those with different skin tones, Frasyniuk told journalists.
When asked if he would repeat these words in a public statement, he replied that.
Court of władysław Frasyniuk. First Process: Conditional Cancellation of Litigation
The Warsaw District Attorney’s Office, which was indicted by former MPs and opposition parties from the time of the Polish republic, Vodis Frasiniuk, was sent to the district court of Wroclaw Girodmiesy on December 23, 2021. The trial began in June 2022.
In August 2022, Judge Anna Volkowska announced her first ruling in the case. The court cancelled the case conditionally after a one-year trial. Frasyniuk was also to pay 3000. PLN for support for victims and post offices.
Justifying the verdict, Judge Volkowska stressed that the facts in this case did not raise any doubt. – The accused had no doubts about the fact that certain assessments would be concluded during a hearing of soldiers holding worship services at the border of Poland and Belarus last August. However, the judge said the legal evaluation of the statement was a controversial issue.
She showed that the most important issue in this issue is the competition between two products, two values. – The right to dignity and protection of good names, and the right to criticize and express the opinions set out in Article 10 of the Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the judge said.
She added that when analysing the accused’s statement, the court concluded that the statement “will use the protections provided in Article 10 of the Convention as a statement under the right and freedom to criticize and preach opinions.”
For władysław Frasyniuk. The second instance court ordered a trial
– Words: “Crowds of cowards”, “Butch dogs”, “These are anti-polished behaviours, these soldiers do not serve the Polish state”, which are negatively prominent, dull and aggressive, but have fallen into criticism. These terms constitute a critical assessment of Polish services’ actions during the refugee crisis at the Polish-Belarus border last August. They were spoken by the accused with the intention of paying attention to the public to the question of how to act and the strength of Polish Service’s actions against immigration – the judge said.
She added: “A separate assessment was made in connection with the term “garbage” used in the same statement to soldiers.”
– The use of this wording does not justify saying the accused, who was to draw attention to the issue of immigrant treatment. The phrase “garbage” is offensive, humiliating and lightly empty against all cut recipients – the judge added that it exceeded the right to criticize and express opinions here, adding that the formulation has exhausted the characteristics of the crime from Section 216 of the Criminal Code.
The judge added that the degree of social harm in the acts committed by the accused is “arguably higher than something that can be ignored, but is as unimportant as the accused’s fault.”
The appeal trial in this case took place in the district court in Wroclaw – also excluded openness. In November 2023, the court overturned the trial court’s decision and introduced the case to reconsider. The first instance’s sentence was appealed to the defense that demanded an acquittal and to the prosecutor’s office, which filed for Frasyniuk’s conviction.
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