A new opportunity is to follow alcohol in the sky in the sky. Tablets that come on is related to it. Check that in search of it and what regions of our country will be the greatest opinion to see this unusual view.
Spacex New Date announced a new new beginning 9 rocket. Its function begins about 4,10 o10. Rocket takes two devices to Orbit – Theagle Coscote, which is used to scan the sky in the infrastructure and the SWAY, ie the SWAY, ie Quarter, ie four months for the sun test. Earlier, the beginning of the mission was announced on Sunday, but it was canceled.
Can we announce light from light for a few days ago?
According to Kara Wijcicki, the author of the blog “by head in the stars” the second degree of the racket can fly from Poland. It looks to the sky 5.26 to 5.32 – may we see a bright plot.
“Obsoren conditions are getting worse for us and more – Eastern moments to be a little lighter pad, but it’s still dark to the west, but it’s still dark to be darker.” – Wikcicki said.
Spiral from light in the sky. Where does this come from?
The bright morning is the result of the Falcon’s management generation 9 of orbit. It will be created after dropping off fuel residues. Although it can argue, it is completely safe and does not threaten.
On Saturday, when the early recent reports of light speech came, the Poland Space gave a calm message. Each month “the threads of different countries” will turn on, in most cases, turns its scholars and sends messages if they are working in Poland “- it is written.
Read: Spacxx Suspension FALCK 9 Starting a rocket
Bright spiral in the sky – sample photo Photo / link / Forum
Spacexcristbal Herrera-Arhkkkevich / Pap / EPA
By head in the stars, tynmyeto.pl
Main photos: Noj / Connectivity / Forum