“Harry Potter: Exhibition” in Madrid. Evelina Vitenberg account
Source: Topn24
Harfish and forest forests, forbidden classes, suitaries and professor from Harry Potter, which are in the Alvernia Alvernia Seteet complex in front of Kraków. It is a project traveling around the world. TVN24 Eurank Evelina Witenberg visited Madrid in the exhibition.
The exhibition “Harry Potter: In the film of Frankolifi, the exhibition” was studied in 2022 in 2022. This is a project built by Walkner Bros. The world experience finding a world experience (one of the ORGOs of ORGOs Bros live in cooperation with the action and marriage.
Because its pressary, the project travels around the world. Exhibition can be in New York, Paris, Barcelona, Athe, Philadelphia, Bienna, Mr. and Mr.
April 11, it will be open for guests in the Alvnier complex in the Alvnany complex.
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Several hidden moments
Installing Harry’s world of Harry Potter Wwenberg, to be a magical number of exhibitions, and be lost in the magic point, and get lost in the magical ball. At the entrance, all the group take a group to calculate the top points of the tour, even during different lessons, and the quidexitch match – the author of the “person” personnel for the cinema.
– The fact that visitors are chosen in the hypette and the house choose to be chosen. Thus, the exhibition route, the display route is used, as well as collected and collect their points for their home. You can also find amazing photos in the designated places, even in a large gym, even in the great gym – explained Georgh Ruje Pseorge Exhibitions.
– There are also several hidden moments. These ports are that we put us on the scene from Harry of the films – He added.
Vitenberg noted that the mandatory point of this exhibition for the Wands. – In this room you can cope with a magical war and type of spells on the top of the Lord, such as Harry Potter. It is better to apply and make sure that kindness does not communicate with bad powers, and of which journalists do not betray.
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
“Harry Potter: Exhibition”
Source: Press the press materials
With the pleasure of the series
Harry Potter’s story was established in 1997, when the seven noves about the teenager’s teacher is looking for the teenager. In 2001, the first three compatibility of the film, which hit the “Harry Potter” series series. In 2016, the first three films came from the “Fantastic series” of the theaters – the display of the brave novels, which makes the wilder area of Harry Potter.
Movie trail “Fantastic Children: Grindelwald Crimes”
Source: Warning Brauge
The deteriorator of Wars. In 2023, oppression announced that the work began between the young man and every season involves the story of certain romance. Offer series for 2026. Among the people who were for new maintenance, Franceskira Geldiner and Mark Mirod, which was cooperated with each other in “Marking”.
Author / author: TMW / AKW
Source: Pttshgan 244.pl
Main photos: press the press material