Poland was covered by the European Commission with the second phase of the European Union. The reason is the lack of Brussels to the lack of Brussels with an updated energy and climate plan. If our Government does not run this in the next two months, the commission may appeal to the court.
To date, the Commission reached 22 final plan. In addition to Poland, EC called the final plans for energy and climate Belgium, Estiary, Croatia and Slovakia. The expiration date of the new plans was June 30.224.
In these plans, member states explain how they want them to have an unified climate. Countries that offer his policies in the current tenance perspective in 2019 Niemiej, in 2019, to increase the purpose of greenhouse gas in 1930 (compared to the 1930s.
Two months to reply to the European Commission
Poland and other countries called to have two months to respond to EC. Otherwise, the Commission may decide to apply to the court to appeal files to the court.
The Ministry of Limit is responsible for the preparation of a new polica polica, which – after the addition of the environmental document, until the end of February this year, by the end of February this year.
In January and the accountant of the climate and an accountant, Ursakula said that at the end of February, the State Committee for Corruption.
Government to select the script or so-zero. After the end of the government’s work, it is possible to send a document on the next June 2025 to Brussels.
This is not the first situation
This will have already done proceedings to the new plan for a new plan for the new plan for the new plan for the new plan for the next 2023 and 2024 already.
After receiving the Lo project, he closed the trials, but about the Polish Plan, he asked Polish authorities to lifted drowbobobiol goals to 2030.
Wash read: Several countries performed the commitment performed. Poland in a shame group >>>
Climate policy of the European Union
An agreement restricted in small waste of EU. By 2030, it fell at the end of the EU in the end of 2020. Therefore, in July 2021, the European Commission offered suitable for 55 regulations. At the end of 2023, the Council of the European Union was adopted.
Fitna is a package of climate and energy packages that the EU rules are changing or updating the EU rules. It is part of a creative European world, which has been proposed at the end of 2019, which has been “the European Union to modern, resource and competitor union” as we read the European Commission website. One of the assumption of zero car trash is contributed for 55.
Read as well as the IA, the EU neutral of atmosphere by 2050. We are over thanks for 55 >>>>
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket