Barbara Scroplisk, a long start of the long-scored wealth, dead, said the turn of happiness on Saturday. Information about his death was approved by the CIS president. March 12, he asked him as a witness to verify the “two towers.” Announcement In this case, the district prosecutor’s office was given in Warsaw.
Barbara Sftriev, was born in 1959, one of the nearest president of the President of Med Jarosław Kaczyński. In the party environment, he was often called “Mshiat”. He, one of the Others, member of the Fedcna and the Department of Office of the Institute LCH Kaczyński.
Barbara Shipkkeckekheld / Eastern News
Research to “Two towers”
March 12, Barbara Scrapping is asked as a “two towers”.
As early February, the district prosecutor’s office in Altavar has started the study of Austrian entrepreneurs in the amount of 1.3 million euros by deceiving the fact that he obtained. It’s about building two pieces in the SREbra area in Warsaw. The case is conducted by Ewa Crzerek.
Domron Roman Gierych, one of the proximal persons who have informed the initial research on SREBra. Wikipedia, which was held on February 12, Warsaw, the investigation of the Institute of the Institute for abuse of money on abuse of money. ” In this regard, it is from this case from 2019, where the document notification of the Beauty Notification, claimed that the Caxius would give him to bribery.
In the mid-court, the National Prosecutor of the Office – said about the audience in the silver template in the silver template, which decides to begin investigation.
Prosecutor’s office
Editor – – – – – – – suffering from “some diseases that are threatened by” some diseases that are threatened by the life. ” He suggested to hear from Wednesday at the prosecutor’s office can affect health care.
Once the scripts were given by the district prosecutor in Warsh.
“In connection with the condition of the transfer of information on the death of Barbara Scenec, who received the survey in the Warsaw on the trial, to review for the trial for interrogation for interrogations.”
On the prosecutor’s office was reported, “the victim’s prosecutor was considered as a law on the disposal of Article 183 of the criminal proceedings.” Did not require that. This article says “Witness is ashamed to answer if the answer to the crime or crime if it is exposed to her testimony.”
§ 1. The testimony can comply with the answer to this question if the answer may be prosecuted or the person to close him for a crime or tax offense. § 2. The use of the use of the use of the use of the use of the use of the study says if it is exposing the case of person’s testimony.
“Reference took place in a very cultural climate, none of participants did not submit comments, conditions, or applications for correcting the protocol,” reported.
In addition, it has been added to “the combination of the death of his testimony with the survey and raise the direct relationship between the interview and the case.” “We add deep sympathies and their loved ones to lose” – finally.
X / @ Prank_okreg_wawa
Main photos: Beata Zawrzel / News News