The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ilcademy approved that the privacy of the country was destroyed in Moscow in June 2023. According to media outlets, the Russian power was published.
As the British newspaper “Express Express” wrote “(Ireland) is buried, in the winter they opened the windows or tracking of cigaries in visible places.” “Another diplomat in the Russians who knew that he was a vegetarian, found a steak in the refrigerator.” – revealed.
According to the Institute of International Issues, the Professor from Birmingham University, the purpose of this type of scene is by the official of the official decision.
According to each day, Icelands of Icelands after the long-term campaigns were exploring from Moscav. Iceland, which supports NATO, supports military and civil assistance to minors.
“Violation of employees of employees”
When asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Islamy Cultrin Cynrin Katrin, confirmed that “one of the embarries were the privacy of employees.” “Their security is the highest priority”, “Gunnarsdotir in an interview with the State Department of State has been destroyed by the state Convention.
The Embassy of the Plade In Moscow Mochavourur “EPA / Pap
Iceland was the first country, in 2023, after the full representative office of Russia from Ukraine was closed in February 2022. At that time, “Preferences” is given as a formal reason.
On Wednesday, the British Foreign Ministry stated that Russia is trying to cover the Embassy of the Kingdom of the United Kingdom in Moscow. The British department has been referred to in London and took accreditation to one of the districts and her wife.
Read: “Instead of an offensive campaign” British diploma. The Russian ambassador called the call name
Source of Main photos: Yuri Cochettov / EPA / PAP