Minority Minority in Syria, including the dictators of the Bassar Asad, victim of the bloody official of fighters to the country’s new bodies. Similarly, hundreds of extraordinary non-inflammatory couples were killed in less than a week. “They like revenge” – writes agents.
In early March, were conflicted in the northwestern Syria and the gaps of the dictator of the dictator of Bashad. The fight against the brutal wave, which are mainly focused on Alphalt – the minority minorities, which is highly based on the same party and their authority is based on it. According to Syrian announcements (OSDH), about one and a half thousand citizens were already killed.
Windeta Bloody
In the social media, the modern factions in the Resolution of Syria hundreds of thousands of millions to attract the profit.
The bloody Veneta received his Appique at A Syrian on March 6 – Raders writes. In the celebration company hundreds of selected selected chosen, highways filled on the city of Syria – the Matthy Autha.
“They wanted to take revenge on the loyalty of the President of the President of the President, first of all, and writes the rheters.
According to the News of the country, some of the trust of military mobility are responsible for a number of attacks, so they do their covenant.
“I’ve heard of the children and arrows”
At night and early March 6, government fighters attacked the residential buildings in Al -jas district in Banijas. Attacks were held to these attacks in a number of cities and villages in the north, which is concentrated on the shore, where Alai Society.
Hason Hasson is Aluavita, but currently living in Iraq. It was talking to his family on the phone, lived in Al-Rusuri. “I heard the children’s and shots, I heard my father tried to” he said. He said, “Pay for us.” They came – he explained in an interview with Raters.
Parents, brother, brother, sister and two children shooting.
A few months later, he stayed 2 before Seria, after the request of his father, when he was afraid of a revelation wave against Alavit. “She told me that at least one of us was reborned from the death” “reminded.
Obs of Syria Security Forces in Leakia Abdulwakit
Similarly, hundreds of extraordinary non-inflammatory couples were killed in less than a week. “Just three months after overthrown, the western war lasts, which lasted about 14 years, the western part of Syria points out the blood.” Many Sunni Airians, which have been a political and economically economically, which has dominated opposition protests in these religious minorities.
Independent organizations, including a thousand people, who killed more than a thousand people and has been killed in the hands of the Max. According to Snhr, 595 of the commandments and military-affected practitioners, were killed, most killed, most of the vast majority.
Syrian security forces when inspiring with fighters with fighters with battlefields / ePA / pap
“We don’t have a clean picture of the structure”
The government claims that March 6, which began on March 6, and he was involved in a wave of violence against the population, which is “Individual activity”. At the same time, Syrian authorities declared March 9, which will judge the allegations of suspicion of suspicion that will be punished without cheating.
Radio Free Radio has announced a threat of March 7, which was held near the festivals near the fius. If someone calculates them about safe that all parties want to avoid the relationship with Russia, “said.
– There were many attacks because they were masked. The Central talk of the United Nations Office for Human Rights. – We are not a clean picture of the structure of commander to maintenance government security security.
The vacuum, a vacuum after destruction of the work and removing his safety device. The new Syrian government is from the most armed armed tracts and solar bloody.
Syrian safety forces with heavy weapons in surgery after collisions with the works in the sleeighs in the sleeighs in the Latcia
New Syria
Asal rule is headed by the rehabilitarian coalition that was headed by Sunnist The Sunnik Hajat Tajat Tajat Tajat Tajat. In the autumn of 2024, they had been connected in 2024 in 2024. The DICAT was released to Russia, in which he won the shelter. During the civil war, was killed at least a half million people, and more than half of the Syrian residents have fled from home – abroad or other regions of the country.
In Syria there is one of the largest humanitarian crises. The new officials are now overseeing them and are not present from the presence of the state.
Source of Key Photo: Abdulva Hacteyfi / Anadol / Getty feat pictures