On Monday, the Presidential Law Firm announced that Andrzej Duda had been sent to the court amendment on the duties of MPs and Senators in preventive control mode. It’s about SO-Called “Lex Romanowski” – especially the position of a member of parliament without regulating legal freedom.
In justifying the president’s decision, in particular, he reported, “The Senate has surpassed the limits of acceptable amendments. According to the constitutional court’s constitution and case law, it may introduce the text of the law.”
Sejm Marshal Szymon Hołownia mentioned the issue on Monday. He pointed out that “a simple law was adopted: a prosecutor’s order received MPs’ salary in the SEJM a few weeks ago.”
“There is no doubt that Poles will not be able to fund MP Romanovsky’s holiday in Budapest. The President is questioning because he only sent the law to the court.
“Lex Romanowski.” The third path of KO and proposal
Amendments to the Act on the Performance of Deputy and Senator Duties, adopted by SEJM at the end of January this year, were established in MPS group initiatives, KO, Polski 2050-TD and PSL-TD. The amendment assumes that members of Congress who apply to temporary custody will be deprived of their pay rights.
Additionally, the prohibition on the exercise of rights and obligations arising from the fine will also comply with members of the council issued with a decision on application for detention for remand prior to the date of the amendment of the law.
The amended law assumes that such lawmakers are unable to carry out local activities (including exercise of their rights of intervention or information). They also said, “We cannot exercise social and living rights, such as salary or parliamentary food rights.
The Senate made clear about the amendment. “He has crossed the boundaries that are acceptable.”
In February, the Senate proposed an amendment that would clarify exactly what rights and obligations are not carried out by the deprivation of liberty, which would not be carried out by the rights and obligations of not carrying out the MP or Senator. Especially for the full scope of Congressional rights such as businesses that involve active participation in the work of the SEJM or Senate and Parliament, as well as the right to inspect government administrations and local government agencies, and the participation of Treasury and state-owned businesses. It was also noted that at the time of deprivation of freedom, Congress was not entitled to a deputy or Senate salary.
The Senate amendment states that the above provisions “also apply to lieutenants or senators, which cannot be initiated or enforced a sentence for decisions regarding the application of detention against remandment due to their hidden or absence within the country.” The next amendment states that if a criminal case is cancelled or a sentence acquitting an MP or a senator, they will have to pay a late salary and congressional meal. However, this does not apply to conditional cancellations of criminal proceedings and redemptions due to amnesty or restrictions.
In justifying the President’s decision to direct the novel to the Constitutional Court, it was reported that “in the case of contested laws, at the stage of consideration in the Senate, the higher room was not the subject of the regulation of the text of the law adopted by the SEJM (…) (…) (…) completely new normative content. In the President’s opinion, “the Senate therefore exceeds the limits of permitted amendments, and according to the Constitutional Court’s constitution and case law, it could introduce texts of law” and “it is irrelevant that these amendments were adopted by the SEJM.”
“Lex Romanowski” and allegations of participation in organized crime groups
This amendment is commonly referred to as “Rex Romanovsky” after the name of PIS MP, Deputy Minister of Justice Marsin Romanovsky, who is suspected in the Judicial Fund investigation. The National Prosecutor’s Office sets up competition for money from this fund, particularly in the organized criminal group that blames him.
These crimes included showing employee entities of employees that should be won by competition for grants from the Judicial Fund. Politicians were also ordered to remedy the false offer prior to their application, allowing grants to grant entities that do not meet the formal and important requirements.
The damage caused to the state Department of Treasury was about 108 million. Romanowski, who was indicted since December, was in Hungary and was subjected to political asylum.
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