The Secretary of the End of the Empower, Perin Parolin, Inspection, Inspector, Exclusively exclude the Peter use in the hospital for more than a month in the hospital. According to the latest information, the French Purkish mode is improving slightly and oxygen, and the oxygen, mutual treatment.
It is not unclear “to the head of Vatican diplomatic on the questions of journalists to answer or not.
– We must rely on the medical ballots, because they emphasized us about Papa – Painin. – Last week I saw him, so I didn’t have the opportunity. I saw it in a better way of the first time, but it is only an external assessment – explained by the Secretary of the State of Holy State.
Also read: lost loss of franishkskska
Ҳангоми боздид аз попи 88-сола дар поликлиникаи Гемеллаи, пленинҳои каролин, парвандаи ӯ – муовини ӯ – арғувони ӯ edar pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pena pen pena pen pena pena.
A little height of PAPA health
Vaticanical press management said that the clinical mode of Fapy Francis, which was at hospital, which was well-borne and the heating physiotherapy and breathing physiotherapy.
Papa does not need oxygen in short moments. It is explained how it has been published in the post of Sunday after the hospital, Franczsan is not looking for oxygen therapy.
In addition, the Holy Press Press office reported that a large number of oxygen had been reduced. It is used during the day to replace the height of heights of heights with a lower doses and for a few hours at night – mechanical ventilation.
In response to the question about the reasons of clean swelling, visible, visible, heard this result of moving. It’s better for Monday – it’s sure.
Pope Popy of the Kemlinic Roman Roman Roman Roman on February 14, he was a two-way medicine diagnosis. It’s still unknown that Pope is in the hospital. For a moderate, medical booklets are declared every few days, but not before – every day.
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