Navruz in two, because she also is also a bathroom. It wrote his nickname and under this nickname. Topic journalists showed that he spent eight years ago, and he had done so much time to hide it.
Tadeusz Batya is not a real image, but nickname of Karol Navoli. According to such a statement, the current PS candidate is written by the President a book about the Trentistriary Hangster.
“I watch the body” Nikosia ‘after death
– Карад Навқоки Оё ӯ устоди диполитӣ нест, зеро ӯ устоди дипломатия нест, ки ӯ дар Gangstice махсус нест, ки вай дар Gangstal – қайд кард, ки Дорота łБОДЕНЕ ҲОЛАТҲО МЕШАВАД.
Carol CarritNern24
Interview in the camera and with the face of a blow
The Topic journalists were published as the Topi journalists, a Ghangster translation, and he was hiding eight years ago. Technuses is the middle name nawroki and “Batry” means a war. In 2018, a circle – as a Bathir – an interview, arose to interview the TV in the camera. His voice changed and his face trembled.
Nawroki in GDAS 2018, after:
Interview, Bathir praised the navigation, or it is better to get to their place. Because – as a journalist said: The Book, the Book, Bodir, Dr. Karad Navoki “pointed out. – Yes. She is actually a historian who inspired my work the first to reviewed by organized crime issues in the Prov.
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The nawroki translation
In the Gangster’s Gangster book “Nikosiu”, the karad slaces talked to people in Tirwerly.
On this initiative one is again when contacting the substance is referred to. – Many of these criminals in the life of Navroki Karol – said Pawełingłingłałing, mp from the third way. – He shows unhealthy interesting teams with devastating groups, therefore the nickname of the Maghami Magham – Deputy Marsh in presidential elections of the Sena.
See also: New presidential research. Sławomir field is in his heel to the Navri Carol
Navroki itself explains that he did not want to offer books based on national recruits as the Director of World War II. – I admit it, I have no important problems with it. This was a requirement for a professional moment – said PIS candidate for the President at the conference.
The book is already two authors in the bookstore. One of them is real.
The book “Nikos confessing from behind the tomb” in the Book Store is two TIPN authors
Carol is battle for the second round. The President will help him. “We just need such a president” Jasil Tuktak
Source of Key Photo: Thrp3 Gdań 2018, after: