The President Donald Trump on Tuesday had a telephone conversation on Tuesday. They agreed that the Kremlin stops for 30 days to Ukrainian infrastructure. Shortly after conversation, Russia sent the rackets. Conducting the photos of Western Antielic report, alerts, explosions, hurders and anti–Carnans in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities. We asked Kira Roodyys for explanations, the Deputy Supreme Council of Ukraine. During the conversation he had to go to the shelter.
The delegation to Ukrainian Supreme Council of Ukrina Kira Roodyan told “the facts in the world” to “Facts” Tynn24 Thannast From Kiev’s house. Chatting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
– We do not trust Putin to encourage President to ignore him too. Currently, we have not seen a proof of Putin wants to stop attacking us. We don’t see it in the field we don’t see it in the battlefield. We do not see it in your cities – said Kira Rasip.
When we learn from the white and the Kremline posts after Donald Trump with Vladimir Putin, and the leaders agreed to agreed that conflicts were agreed with a sublained room. Тибқи гуфтаҳои Кремл, Путин тафаккурро бовар кунонд, ки Русия мехоҳад “ҳалли мусолиматомези муноқиша дар Украина” ҳалли мусиқиро “мехоҳад. – Шарҳ додан дар ин бора душвор аст. Мо бо таҷовузкоре сӯҳбат мекунем, ки метавонад сарбозони худро рад кунад ва ба шаҳрҳои худ ҳамла кунад ва пас ин ҷанг қатъ гардад. Ин аз 100 риёкор аст. Ва ҷаҳон ба он менигарист. Украина ҳеҷ гоҳ мушкил набуд. Русия бераҳмона ба ИМА ҳамла кардааст – ишора кард Kira Rudib.
Read more: Russian attack will soon after Putin’s conversation
What does Trump do to make sure that Russia retains part of his agreement? “
– I hope the President Donald Trump if he really require a peace in such a flat words. And I hope he has some of the work, itself, itself to go to Russia to broadcast. Getting rose to the talks, Ukraine because we relate to the US and of course in terms of exposure to the exhaust. But Trump is convinced that Russia maintains part of his agreement? At the same time it is fully dissatisfied – said Kira Rasip.
– At the same time, he is wrong with Russia. That’s why you get lost to Russia. That is how Putin has won the man’s leader’s leader. Our accession.
– Americans are friends who are trying to be resolved in some cases that listen in some conflicts – Complex Description of Rud. – We tried to address it in a lot of ways. This is something that the zoneki tried to transmit to the Bubnzing Office of the Trump, but may not touch. Now impressing the trump is trying to convince yourself. It is the only question that this information is needed for this information to the white house. Because after this conversation with Trump began to Kieved Kiev – the delegation.
The Kremll said Trump supported Putin’s idea that consists of a hockey game with the participation of Russian and American players. – Russia uses the power of soft software for their propaganda and modification of opinion around the world, which invest in these tools. In Europe, Poland, Ukraine, USA, USA, USA, USA. We see it in many areas. Russia is currently shown as “that bad”. Well, because they make mistakes, but they will try to change the views of people in different countries and will use different ways. Now it seems like this is a trump step to show good intentions or something. The Russians will use it 100 percent and say, “Behold, they called us and now called a habit of the hood.” Well, apparently, we are not likely to be bad because they say to us, right? Kira Rudyk is described.
“This even believes that the US President called the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, he said,” He said. – I’m sorry, but the blasts came. At the same time I heard that it’s a bit terribly terrified. When we were about Russia’s Hockey, which encourages us – the solution of cylia Rasya, to go to the shelter.
Kira Rudi explained Raudi about Trump-Putin conversation. All conversation Sznajert / evidence about the world of thinn24
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