Air and missile defense, artillery systems, ammunition and East Shield to enhance protection of land borders were among the regions that needed to be strengthened as part of Europe’s dispersal. She presented them with SO-Called white book on the Defense European Commission.
In the white book of the EC, she revealed plans to reorganize Europe, presented by the head of the committee. Ursula von der Reyen. The 150 billion euro loan for the coming arms projects has loosened member states’ budgetary discipline in the scope of defence spending and eased the possibility of moving funds within the EU budget.
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The document highlighted the presence of American military forces in Europe contributed to addiction to the United States. “European self-defense capabilities that are overly dependent on the protection of the US and their own neighbourhood autonomy. The only way to overcome this dependency is to develop the necessary capabilities, particularly through the European project (…), which the US is considering changing its approach,” it was written.
The EC shows seven defensive areas where the EU has a big gap, and is a stuffing that she is considered essential to strengthening the EU’s defense. The first area is air and missile defense, a second artillery system, a third ammunition and bullet, a fourth drone and anti-data system. The fifth region the EU must focus on is military mobility, sixth – the seventh strategic factor supporting the use of innovative technologies in artificial intelligence and defense, the protection of defence capabilities and critical infrastructure. As part of the last region, the “East Shield for Land Border Protection” was replaced.
East Shield. Flagship Project for Joint Security of Unions
Just a week ago, the European Parliament adopted the Joint Resolution Project on Enhancement of European Defence (419-204), proposed by five political groups, namely the PO-PSL People’s Party (EPL). Europe and green. In particular, according to the EP, records to be included in the White Book of the Future of European Defense, created by the European Commission.
The MEP hopes that the document will present the most urgent threat, including the structural threats lurking in the EU, and in the case of a “major safety crisis,” the extent to which the coalition can develop an emergency plan will be determined in order for the state to provide mutual assistance.
See “The East Shield has begun.” Resort offers details
The PE wants a strategy that will help Europe anticipate potential invaders, prepare for action, and introduce effective agents to stop such countries. As emphasized, Europe must be able to protect itself from both the short-term and long-term perspectives. Because it will be a reliable power and a pillar of NATO Europe.
As part of the PE resolution, he also adopted the unprecedented amendment No. 87, proposed by the Polish PO-PSL delegation of the European People’s Party and proposed by the East Shield, or Prime Minister Donald Tass’ flagship project, as a flagship project for the union’s joint security.
The adopted amendments highlighted the protection of EU land, aviation and sea boundaries contributed to the security of the EU as a whole, and especially the eastern border. It noted that the East and Baltic Shields should be flagship EU projects to support deterrence and overcome potential threats from the East.
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