Shipping the loan rules in the Bundestag is an important event in Europe for Europe – they are informal media. German Parliament has changed the Constitution on Tuesday, assisting the next government to increase the budget deficit in defense and helping Ukraine.
CDU / CSU document and SPD “Credit” was removed from 0.35 percent of the economy of the German deficit – to increase the budget deficit of 0.35 percent. GDP.
Current changes that are used for the army, civil defense, services and cyberlel, have more than 1 percent. The GDP should not turn to budget constraints and may debt to them.
Detailed: Germany changes the Constitution. “Brake” of the loan “>>>
Bundestager changed the Constitution of Garcia
The world community to explain by Germany by Germany
“The headquarters recorded the camel, hoping to vote to Germany, at an important time,” New York Time will be written “New York Time.
“Life Life The main reason for German decisions have been relatively rarely due to the German army. Strong politicians have been believed that the Second World War states will continue in late World War II. “
“Now one photo gets out of the borrowed and prompted brake. German economy still decreases the United States and the President will reduce the United States in Europe” – notes
The Bundestor changed the Constitution – Budget for the army without limited
Media on the decision of the Bundestag
“So it was so that the CDU / CSU, SPD and Muz, which was amended in the Bundestgag, changes the political situation in Germany.”
“It’s a progress that offphes have been declared before and at the same time that this world has a significant security area, security or more are the railway rates.
In turn, Bi-Bi writes that the changes in the Bundagrag affect the “armed armed forces”. British Transfer points that this is an important voting that occurs in the uncounted of the uncertainty of Europe.
“It’s a historical moment to get the gestinal class of the Gesty.” And Americans “- we read.”
“In this way, has done a strict step to achieve the federal side of the federal. And he does not solve the problem. And the money does not solve the problem.
“Washer, which is a large amount of money to market, definitely, in the past investment, often exposed because of money and other obstacles” – Separer “- Painting” Rin -zeng “.
German gives brake
The response to the return of US policy in Europe has changed the Constitution of the Constitution of the Constitution of the Constitution and the Government of Ukraine. The infrastructure of infrastructure was allocated to 500 billion euros.
Candid CDU / CSU candidates for the CDUS for discussions on discussions before voting in the windstriter, which has been revoked due to the lestern ban against Russia against Russia.
“Financial package” of the “Financ” – Establish Establishment of a Special Rehabilitation and Climate Protection for 12 years of Euro. The member states of the German Kingdom (land) found in the field of larger financial policy. Cdu’s swims and Chadesie Chadesie Chadesie Chadesie were obtained with parliamentarid candidates on 23 February, but the result obtained was 28.5%. It doesn’t allow them to create a government. This is why the democratic democratic democratic democratization has been negotiated by 16.4 percent. “Financial package” was developed and voting was the first serious test for the next coalition. Supported with most of the two people were supported in the parliament from green. The Environmental Party has supported changes to the exchange of the Euro to provide climate refugees and introducing this climate campaign to 2045.
Change of the Constitution must be admitted – a federation Council – a representative of the professional (land) of Germany. Voting was announced on Friday. Previously, the supporters of the changes in the Constitution also dominates this palace of parliament. As announced by the merza, the new German government should be created by April 20 to the moment of the German government.
Lithuinuk: Shok
A member of the PRZEMISSławawawawawh Litwinieuk also spoke about credit changes in RMF FM. – The volume of German is amazed by a business brake – an assessment of the monetary policy pre-credit przemissłha litwiniiuk. However, he admitted that the German economy is struggling with structural challenges and its face is a decline.
– It should be noted that our businessmen to several projects to build a German economy, implemented by German Economic Organizations. (…) You must be noted the fiction of Germany – said przemissłha litwiniiuk, which was a guest FM FM on Tuesday.
– I think that if they talk about the new German authorities, they will not change in the area, and after Germany does not cancel unfavorable political changes – said the member of the MPI.
Source of Key Photo: Pap / EPA / Ringer Filp