The White House reported Tuesday that Ukraine and Russia agreed to an agreement to ensure safe voyages in the Black Sea and introduced a ban on attacks on energy facilities in both countries.
However, Moscow still sets its terms, and in Kiev’s opinion, in this way, the attacker’s country wants to delay the halt of its weapons. US President Donald Trump was asked about the issue.
War in Ukraine. Russia delays the conclusion of the agreement. Trump: They could be passive
In an interview with the US Newsmax Information Station, the US leader said it could deliberately delay the end of the war in Ukraine.
“I think Russia wants to end it (war), but they could be reluctant,” Republicans at the same time admitted to using similar tactics in the past to buy time.
– I did it for years. You know, I don’t want to sign a contract, I want to stay in the game, but maybe I don’t want to do it all the way through, I’m not sure – Donald Trump said.
In an interview, the US president also rated that both Ukraine and Russia lose an average of 25,000 people. Soldiers a week. “These are not Americans, but from this perspective it doesn’t matter to me,” he said.
Trump said he doesn’t want to do that, but he’s looking at the photos from the frontline. “I just want to finish it,” he added.
Ukraine – Russia. Moscow puts more conditions, and Washington “look”
Kiev and Moscow have said they will ensure the safety of their voyages in the Black Sea and refrain from running combat operations on the water, but Vladimir Putin is not going to receive anything in return.
The Reuters agency said the Russian state was “the abolition of Western sanctions on food and fertilizer export companies.” In a statement issued, the Kremlin emphasized that implementing the contract would require the repeal of restrictions imposed on the Russian state bank Rosielkozbank, among others, and also require them to connect them to a rapid system and open the necessary communications accounts.
“We are looking at the Russian conditions regarding a ceasefire in the Black Sea, including the abolition of sanctions,” Donald Trump said. However, the opinion of Wołodymyr Zelanski, the President of Russia, is that he is trying to distort the agreement while “deceiving both the mediators and the whole world.”
Source: Newsmax, Interia
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