They're not playing around.
When best friends and urban explorers Mitch Johnson and Jake Parr stumble upon a terrifying bungalow in Scotland, it scares them more than they've ever experienced before.
“To be honest, it was probably one of the most uncomfortable places I've ever been because I wasn't really sure if there was someone in the teddy bear or not,” Johnson said.
Mitch Johnson (right) and Jake Parr (left) explored a creepy bungalow in Scotland and were terrified. Kennedy News/No Limits The house was filled with stuffed animals and covered in cow nests. Kennedy News/No Limits
The men travelled six and a half hours from Manchester, England to Selkirk, Scotland to explore an abandoned house they had heard about from a giant vine that had a dark past, belonging to a woman who had hoarded toys after her husband died.
After four days of searching, the couple wasn't 100% sure this was the house they were looking for, but decided to go inside to see for themselves. They were able to enter the bungalow through a large missing panel at the back door.
Johnson felt uncomfortable in his home, feeling like someone was watching him. Kennedy News/No Limits
“I've been alone to psychiatric hospitals and many places around the world but this was the most terrifying place I've ever been. There was just a strange atmosphere there that just didn't seem right,” Johnson said.
The house was so cluttered, with cobweb-covered toys filling up six feet of space in one bedroom, that Johnson even admitted the air was humid.
“There were some real collectibles there, some really rare dolls. There were 200 to 300 Cabbage Patch dolls. Some were going for $1,000 apiece,” he added.
Johnson couldn't stand the strange sensation and ran outside. Kennedy News/No Limits The house contained collectible teddy bears and dolls, including a Cabbage Patch doll. Kennedy News/No Limits
Johnson also found many teddy bears, from “Care Bears” to “Monsters, Inc.”, to be quite offensive.
“I felt like I was being watched. I just wanted to get out of there. I couldn't get out. It was a six-and-a-half hour drive and then an hour walk to get there, but I just wanted to get out of there,” he admitted.
Johnson runs multiple social media accounts and has over 51,000 followers on Facebook, where he uploads content from his urban explorations around the world.
The men traveled six and a half hours to search the house. KennedyNews/NoLimits
However, he couldn't bear to be in the house any longer and, despite needing to take photos, hurried out while his companions stayed behind to take footage.
“I even gave up on some photos because I didn't want to go there,” he added. “I've traveled all over the world doing this job, and this was the strangest place I've ever been.”