Digital Tax Divects the Poland and its relations with the United States – said Tom Rose, candidate to the US Ambassador in Poland. He added that the Polish government, which is announced by the Polish government, is focused on a dearhood.
“It’s not very reasonable! A self-aware of self-awarding only the United States and its relationships from the United States and its relations. – Rosa wrote in social media.
The trump and nurse in this way, the left import on the digital tax return on digital giants explained by the Minister of Migration Krzysztof Gawkyskingski.
Tom from digital tax on the platform
Digital and US climate taxes
The President of the United States, Donald Trump and Members of His Office – the element of European countries offered in the recent week by the European Union.
His Trum and Minister of Business declared Lutnn Latin Declaration, such as VAT, as a habit of achieving conditions in foreign trade.
According to the businessman of the European Union on Marri Trading Boy, the European Market is a source of up to 40 percent for some American giants. their income. Digital services are also an area where the excess of the Euro EU-Euro (within the framework of the implementation of goods) will receive an EU-European EASH) to be 157 billion euros).
Poland prepares digital taxes
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Leading Krzysztof Gawkowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowskowski on Monday. As he announced, the digital technical model will be submitted on large revenues or benefits and the funds offered by the tax budget from new taxes to the development of companies and digital accounts.
– Despite the place of residence of Polish technology from Polish technology to work out of Polish experts and they can work out of the start of deep business and creating quality content and creating quality content and creating quality content and creating quality content.
Gawkosskiki noted that taxes operate in the 35 countries, including the French, Austria, UK.
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket