– Ман имрӯз бо ин шунаво ба “далелҳо” MP “MP” MP-и Ростиковҳо, ки ба шунидани Бюрои марказии зиддикоррупсионии Agnisszka kvostkowska kwatkowssowska-gurdak аз ҷониби Комиссияи PEGASUS муроҷиат мекунад. According to the Tamjakj Thrica, “The prestige is not likely to ask an urgent report.”
Рӯзи сешанбе сардори Бюро маркази зиддикоррупсиони зиддикоррупсионии Агниесса КВАККАКАКАКАКАКАКАКАКАКАИ КИШВАРДИ КУИ ПЕШАЛАТҲО. Within the clear part of the survey, he said, “She could not provide more information in such a method.” According to the results of pringi24 and tvn24 CBA.
Tuesday guests from “Facts Forms” Chiefs of Pegasus Investigative Committee: Thomas Gla Kluzik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkik-Rostkovska (ko). – I don’t satisfy such a declaration, and I have such a condemnation or maybe the fear, which is not satisfied with the public opinion – said Mp Clizik – Qlongskska. He added that information on submission of reports to the prime shall be found during the confidential meeting of the Committee.
In his opinion, the heads of services that I can use Pegasus that no longer existed in Poland, “MUST Construct the Document Act and the closed item. – Today, many of our questions asked them. We will continue to ask these questions further. I understand that this is due to a complete conversation with a minister coordination – he said.
Tra: I don’t choose the prime minister
Also, the Tomagjan admitted to the CBA leader is satisfied with the question of the CBA leader. – As turns turning, the prime is not likely to ask an urgent report to an annual activity – he said.
– We really have many documents that I was a little on her head, why can it be told in all the issues in all things, because she can meet with this Sharif’s meeting, he said.
He added that he didn’t know what that could lead. – Perhaps because he operates 10 years in the headquarters of the anti– itself in the central office of the anti– its own partners and partners, who cooperates and colleagues who cooperate with them in other places. I don’t know but I don’t judge me, because I don’t select the prime.
– Today, if the head of the CBA’s head really worked, he really worked, and I didn’t try anyone to hear. Аммо, ӯ бо изҳорот розӣ набуд, ки Киверсовска-Гурдак “бо ҳамкорони худ пинҳон мешавад. – Ман то кунун нарафтам, аммо ман интизор будам ва ман ҳамеша интизор мешавам, ки ҳама чизест, ки ӯ медонад ва бо хавғосҳои ҳуқуқӣ сухан намегӯяд, вай not marked.
KLUZIK-roostkowsa: There is a group of all the Witnesses as we need to ask
The guests have been explained between the election survey, which have been appointed in 2023, but whatever has done for a pure work.
Kluzik-Rostkingska noted that their commission started as the last job. – I think I don’t expose any work here. We have had a very great problem with the purchase of secret documents that is one of the most important elements of our work – she noted. He added to the Commission to complete the work “until the end of the holiday”. He also noted that many of the Witnesses call to appear. “There is only a group of Witnesses that we should ask,” He said.
Thomasseh plane reminded that the Mirie Mep Mirziz Kamiyzi and Maciej Wąsik before witnessing the commission required in early March. – Finally, if before the investigation commission, refrain from law and justice, determine the temporary horizon and we must persist.
Pushing about the presidential campaign: There will be a lot of moments
The theme of the speaking was also also election surveys. He won the study of Stickia24 Studial24, New 52%. In turn, his candidacy in the election Magallena Biejat on Presidential voting supports the same studio of 2.1 percent. – Well writing a new script every day. What elections is a different correlation. I think there is nothing for surveys. The Coalition works well on October 15 and is really started in parliament and in the President’s campaign and is explained to Tomases Tomases Tomases TROUTS.
– I think that at that time there will be a lot of moments. Marshal Magdalena is azhka every day in the field, which makes his campaign for him.
– I was for a very long, so that I don’t worry about the survey, but I know one thing that voters were broken or angry – she pointed out. They remembered the research for broneansław Komorisskk in 2015, which was “received by the presidential election” in the first round. ” – We know how this ended. The campaign should be performed by the end of the election and you are working on the left, third and polica, which is now a good thing for the left, and I think voters appreciate it for the left, and I think the voters would appreciate it for Poland and I think voters appreciate it for the left, and I think the voters would appreciate it for the left, and I think the voters would appreciate it for the left, and I think the voters would appreciate it’s a good thing for the left. added.
Joanna Kluzik RostkowsingsingSkowsbowska, asked if she was worried about the multi-party support of candidates of candidates of candidates. ” – Of course, our candidate from the Coalition – of course I have a breakfast that will struggle trineskskink – he said.
Main Source Source: Topn24