The four cars on the A4 Morest highway in Violation Officie. According to the police, one of the drivers were sleeping behind the wheel. Two people were taken to the hospital.
Дар байни 5.30, дар баландии Олтзова, байни Krapkowice ва гиреҳҳои krapkowica ва kędzierzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyzyn-koźly.
The accident in the way of lenica
– 39-year-old goes to bed, behind a golden with a semiopicated with a semiopicated by a single semiosis by 57 years of age. So the Honda driver, addressed the elements of vehicles lost the wheel of the road and lost the powerful barriers. Later, the Mercedes Driver has installed the remittances and hit the remittances and hit the Agnoiska, negotiations for the regional policeman.
High accident on the highway
27 years of age and 21-year office were taken to the hospital. The woman has the damage to the feet and a man hurt the spine.
Agnieszka żyłka reports that all drivers were tested in the presence of alcohol were. By the end of the police and the fire brigade, the highway was closed to the katowics. The problem ended at 8,35.
High accident on the highway
Source of main photos: incoce lechics