On Sunday, the elections were held to the Senate in Krakov. They won by Monica Pilotkov, which received by KO, POS and left, 50,14 percent. votes. PIS candidate lost. How do you refer to it? – With this question Mikhał Vikbeks, the holder of the Tadit program, turned to PIP MIP Terasz bocheński. – But with a good result, from 30 percent, more than 30 percent, which is very strong – said bocheński. – May you make sure to make sure? The Lord is the lecturer’s nominated by the Lord. “I don’t recognize him personally,” Boynński confessed. – Do you remember her name? – Asked Rodbletwski asked. “I have to confess that no” said he said the program is honest. – Don’t you forget the names of the candidate in a complete elections? Wróblbswswswski surprised. – Аммо вомбаргҳои наздиктарини ман бо Полшаи камтар аз онанд, ки Полияи Букеокски вуҷуд дорад – ба ПО Кови Боке “вуҷуд дорад. Лектор хотиррасон кард, ки номзади аз ҷониби ПИС Мейсес Майодизиńски, муовини собиқи Voivode дар давоми қоидаи PIS. “Шумо як зулм будед, бинобар ин ман фикр мекардам, ки медонистам” илова кард ӯ. Wróblewski инчунин To the guest of the President, Slot, according to the recent study of the Law, Karoxian, asked, and I would not believe that that of the most critical statement and the strategic said. They will not be better for feeding, younger, younger, even though, younger brothers. But they have never been judged. Вай бародарони солимро қабул мекунад, ба мавқеи одамоне дахл гирифт, ки чӣ тавр ин корҳо кор мекунанд ва хоҳару бародари хурдсолро ба камол расонидан ва баъд аз он, ки ба таври дигар ба камол расидаанд ва интизор мешавем, ки Томасз Бойас Бойас.