Дар барномаи “Дар Кулуарӣ” Тобиғи 2 ва “далелҳо” дар бораи ҷаласаи ҷумъаи комиссияи тафтишоти Покасус сӯҳбат карданд, ки собиқ вазири адлияи Адади Зиобра Ziobra Ziobrak Ziobrak Ziobrae номида шуд. Arlet Zalewska has reached the replacement of the vast relation to a work program. “It is a very strong reform, because we regularly speak about the Witnesses” stated that he registered a journalist.
On Friday, former head of the former head of the Ministry of Justice Minora Zobra (currently PIS MP) was not asked Pegasus Research Commission. In accordance with the court decision, the police brought him to the commission after 10.30 to the commission. However, because the dense was found at the time of time – the beginning of the meeting began in 10.30 – a commission to her 30-up to him.
Read more: “Time When Zbigrive written script wrote”
The program “in the Secretary and his request for Zobra, as well as the steps for further steps to ask questions of the Minister of Justice must take.
Radomir said with members of the Committee, Radamir said that radomer said. – They had different options and different scenarios. The issue of consideration of the person under consideration, which is the implementation of the Committee’s session, check the documents, showing all this to zbignian ziora. The second option, for what should he do, because she was not as not as it was not regularly informed.
– Everyone are equal to the law? If a citizen is called a hour, it is a state body – in this case, is it important to expect the citizen to be waiting for other rights? – Asked Rhetorally Vitt.
“The opportunity to ask was also unique in this situation”
As Zalarormor noted, “Zbigrative did not want to be and doesn’t want to be found before this committee.” – Therefore, court consent to the police must maintain the police for his suspension and guiding the commission for his suspension. Аммо шумо наметавонед аз он чизе, ки PrzepleawawławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławławnawławławniS мегӯяд, ки аъзои Кумита ин овозро суръат додан лозим аст – гуфт ӯ.
He added: “talking about it, she knows that they would be afraid of.” – If he is afraid. “- If he is afraid.” – If he is afraid. “- If he is afraid.” – If she is not afraid. “- If he is afraid.” – If he is afraid. “- If he is not afraid to do so and say that you do not respond to the members of the Committee and leave. And they do not have the opportunity to stop him there – he explained.
Kricho Track: The opportunity to ask in this case has been excluded “at Lobbobile24
Read as well: about “preventing the label”. “He just don’t want to verify and don’t want to confirm”
Zalysksa on the working request of Pegzi commission
The enda noted that he talked with members of the Committee and have problems. – I have a workout (until it is ready to make a commission prepared and it will be sent to the Prosecutor General and then will be sent to the Prosmon Prosecutor’s Office and then will be sent to the Prosmon’s Prosecutor’s Office. As I know, this work is going on, so I will say that it works – she is protected.
He noticed that the document contains more than twenty points, which may be borne breed for 30 times. He also calls one of the attempts to terminate the Justice, when police tried to call him and called the interrocom that no one had received no one. Then the services decided to obey the property and – such as Zalashksa managed with MP Ziobroice Counmerailed Courmerailed Courmerailed Courmerailed Courmerailed Courmerailed Courmerailed Courmerail Eraired Courmerailed Courmerailed CourmerailedailedailderedairerailederedairerAilderedairerailederedairerailederedera
– Therefore, members of the committee believe that the members of the business are that local Ziobigiant, which is described, the court should be appointed 30-daytime. I add that this measure is, because we are constantly speaking to telling about the test – said he said.
Arteta Zalkewska: This is a very strong measure in this case
Read as follows: two votes in the government after the decision of the ranking commission. “I think the commission should be expected”
Source of Key Photo: Pap / Paweł Supernak