Today’s air. Monday, January 27, a cloud and cloudy. In the tea, it rains lightly. Tymgerles show the heat from 6 to 11 degrees.
Monday, the sky of the polyman monster, but mainly in South and Sharky stations will also be slightly purified and unbearable. The country can be rained in the country’s in the country’s or Pamodes in the country meters of up to 2-5 liters. The thermometropes in cashy, Warmy and seated from 6 hot beds, in the center of the country up to 9 beds of heat in southern Polish to 11 beds. From the south direction of moderate and sometimes very hard and reaches 60-70 kilometers per hour.
The air offer in
Biometological conditions
The moisture will be during the day from about 70 percent in the southeast of Poland to more than 80 percent in the northern and Western regions. We will mostly feel comfortable heat, only in the northern regions of the air is cold. Biometrical conditions occur in the north and the West, is in other regions, will be neutral.
Bioomete’s conditions in
Weather today – Warsaw
In Warsaw, Mondays are cloudy. But it seems to be cleaning the weather. Tymets are maximum up to 9 degrees the heat shows the warmth of the South. The boometer shows at the afternoon 994 hpa.
Today’s air – triisite
In Gdddo, and the Sopot is cloudy, and the little rains are expected. The maximum temperature becomes 7 degrees. Southern window will be moderately and very strong. At the nois we see 1003 hpts in the lunch.
Today’s air – Poznan
On Monday will be a cloudy sky on Monday in Poznan. In the middle of the day, the weather is comfortable and makes light rain. The conditions are up to 10 degrees. From the southwest blows normal and very hard. Pressure is 992 in the afternoon.
Weather today – Wreshlu
Dushanbe will be air cloudy and cleaning in the airport. It rains light rain in the second half of the day. The maximum temperature in the heaters is 11 degrees will be the wind, the wind will be moderately and very strong. At the afternoon, the barometer shows 990 hpa.
Today’s air – Krakov
Absmanian Krakov on Monday, but will be slightly air. The weather is up to a maximum of 11 degrees to the south to make a moderate and very hard. Pressure reaches 982 hpts.
Road conditions in
Major Source: Jaga_ / Kontakt 24