An endangered species found in the forests of Cambodia. Clouded leopards are among them.
Scientists have discovered at least nine endangered species during research work in Cambodian forests. None of them have been previously recorded in this area. “In a way, it’s like the Noah’s Ark of wildlife,” said the wildlife conservation program director.
Scientists in Cambodia have so far succeeded in exploring little-known areas of Virachey National Park. The researchers’ work was carried out under the direction of the conservation organization Fauna & Flora. Explorations of local wild areas led to the discovery of several endangered species.
A study on the park’s biodiversity released on Tuesday said species discovered include the Javan pangolin, clouded leopard and Malayan birch. The study recorded nine species that had never been recorded before in Cambodia.
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“This area is virtually unexplored and there was very little information about its biodiversity,” Pablo Synovas, country director of the Cambodian Flora and Fauna Program, told CNN.
– We found several endangered species that, by definition, are not doing well either globally or domestically. He explained that this park could become a “good fortress” for them, and thanks to that we will ensure that these species do not become extinct.
“In some ways, this is like the Noah’s Ark of wildlife,” he added.
An endangered species found in Cambodia. They can save local forests and tribes
However, Synovus acknowledged that the situation in the park itself is difficult, as despite its protection, it has been subject to deforestation and is an active area for poachers. He said he hopes the latest data on the park’s biodiversity will contribute to increased protection and better management of the park.
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Experts also emphasized the role of parks in not only absorbing carbon dioxide but also providing livelihoods to local communities.
-It’s also important from a human perspective. Around the park’s boundaries are indigenous communities that have long relied on the area’s natural resources. It is important that these resources continue to be protected and managed in a sustainable manner, he said.
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